Heroes and Villains Successful Learners Areas of Learning As Historians we will investigate the first world war; finding out about leaders and those from our community that sacrificed their lives. As Actors and Directors we will produce our own version of the play Macbeth. As Scientists we will look at advances in technology during war time. We will design and make our own land yachts. Confident IndividualsResponsible Citizens EnterpriseKUWSpiritual and MoralCommunities As enterprising individuals we will market and advertise our version of the play Macbeth which we will perform at the theatre by the lake. In our knowledge and understanding of the world we will investigate why wars happen and in particular we will study world war one. In our spiritual and moral development we will cover the concepts of commitment, authority and as we look at leaders in faith. In the community we will be working with Millom School on a land yacht project, performing Macbeth at the theatre by the lake and inviting local engineers to work with us on STEM projects.
Essentials for Learning and LifeAreas of Learning Using Communication Attitudes- Learning to LearnHistorical and Geographical Understanding Macbeth script work, drama opportunities, investigating the English language WWI books for individual reading and guided reading. Reading interactive trenches ebook Writing biographies based on leaders in WWI and leaders in faith. French Unit 4 Singing and performing Alouette for Harvest. To try new things Enjoy new things and take opportunities wherever possible. Find things to do that give energy. Become fully involved in clubs or groups. Meet up with others who share interests in a safe environment. To work hard Have fun working hard. Understand the benefits of effort and commitment. Continue to practise even when accomplished. Encourage others by pointing out how their efforts gain results To understand others Listen first to others before trying to be understood. Change behaviours to suit different situations. Describe and understand others’ points of view WWI research at Whitehaven archives service Leaders in WWI Understanding European geography, GB geography and geography of Cumbria Shakespeare project Use sources of evidence to deduce information about the past. Use literacy, numeracy and computing skills to a exceptional standard in order to communicate information about the past Describe the main changes in a period of history (using terms such as: social, religious, political, technological and cultural). Identify periods of rapid change in history and contrast them with times of relatively little change Scientific and technological understanding Land Yacht project in conjunction with Millom School Discovering WWI technology and advancements in technology during wartime Identify the effect of drag forces, such as air resistance, water resistance and friction that act between moving surfaces Describe, in terms of drag forces, why moving objects that are not driven tend to slow down Plan enquiries, including recognising and controlling variables where necessary Present findings in written form, displays and other presentations Using Mathematics Maths challenges and BIG Maths Macbeth maths Increasing basic skills understanding Use of Numbershark Springboard and booster groups Focus on number, calculation and fractions. In calculation division in particular Understanding the arts Performance of Macbeth at Theatre by the Lake Producing artwork based on Macbeth and tickets for Film Club Composing and producing music for Macbeth Performance Develop and imaginatively extend ideas from starting points throughout the curriculum. Collect information, sketches and resources and present ideas imaginatively in a sketch book Replicate some of the techniques used by notable artists, artisans and designers after a study of Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth by Sargent. Using ICT Use of Pete’s Piano to compose music. Using the internet for research. Using WordShark and NumberShark. Reading and interacting with trenches ebook. Using ICT to present findings from experiments and information about leaders in WWI and leaders in faith. Understanding physical development, health and well-being Dodgeball sponsored event with Mrs Stellmacher Swimming lessons on Fridays with Mrs Stellmacher Football with Andrew Marshall Football after school club with Miss Ross Sports after school club with Andrew Marshall