Welcome to Second Grade! Welcome to Mrs. Schott’s Second grade Class!
All About Mrs. Schott My background: Grew up in HISD schools and graduated in 1982 BA in Elementary Education from Sam Houston State University My experience: Sixth year at FCE, 28 th year teaching, taught mostly third grade in Katy ISD, some fourth grade in Baton Rouge.
My Goals Students’ Social and Academic Success Student and Parent Communication Let’s HAVE FUN!
Arrival & Dismissal School hours are 8:00 a.m. – 3:20 p.m. TARDY at 8:05 a.m. If there is ever a change in how your child is going home, please send a note! Any walker or biker in K-2 must be accompanied by an older sibling or adult Absences – All students who miss a day of school are required to return with a written explanation of the absences within 48 hours.
Communication My address (resend/call after 36 hrs.) My phone number (281) Humble ISD Website Fall Creek Website: Humble - Fall Creek – Teacher Websites – BethSchott
Red Take Home Folders Distributed EVERY DAY Please look through the folder with your child EVERY DAY Things to look for –Calendar, Cardinal Creed, Conduct Form (Tuesdays) Tuesday Folder - Important information from District, School, PTO, or Faculty and Staff
Student Expectations at Home Students complete homework and both students and parents initial homework packet. Read EVERY NIGHT! (Complete Reading Log in homework folder) Sign and return reading log in orange homework folder every night. Math homework needs to be completed and turned in by Friday in orange homework folder.
Classroom Community Our school is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our Cardinal Creed (school AND classroom rules) are: Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible
Discipline Plan
C.A.T.C.H. Break Coordinated Approach to Child Health We will have a snack break each morning in the classroom. Please send nutritious snacks such as fruit, crackers, cheese, etc… Water bottles with a sport top are also encouraged.
Birthday Treats Treats are no longer allowed from home for birthdays. If you would like to have a birthday treat for the class you may purchase a snack such as ice cream for each student from the cafeteria. Fall Creek Policy – No Treat Bags. If you have party invitations you would like given out, we can only pass them out if there is one for each classmate.
Lunch in the Cafeteria You are welcome to have lunch with your child in the cafeteria (Our lunch time is 11:35-12:00 p.m.) We have special tables for parents and their child on the stage in the cafeteria. (Student/Parents only) Please remember to sign in at the front office. Monthly menus can be downloaded on Fall Creek’s Website Cafeteria Prices: Breakfast - $1.20, Milk 40 cents, Lunch - $1.85, Meal Ticket for a week $9.25 Snack accounts for ice cream may be “frozen” at parents’ discretion.
Class Subjects The subjects we cover during second grade are: Reading Written Composition Grammar/Capitalization/Punctuation/Handwriting Spelling/Word Study Math Science/Health/Social Studies Music, Art, PE, Computer Lab, Library
Daily Schedule Daily Schedule 7:50 - 8:20 Morning Jobs/CARE Time Meeting/Morning message 8:20- 8:45 Focused Reading Lesson (whole group) 8:45 - 9:15 Just Right Reading (guided reading group) 9:15 - 9:45 Reader's Workshop, workstations, guided reading 9:45-10:00 Read Aloud, C.A.T.C.H. Break 10:00-11:30 Math 11:35-12:20 Lunch/Recess 12:20-1:15 Everyday editing, writing lesson, writer's workshop 1:15-2:05 Specials 2:10-2:30 Word Study 2:30-3:00 Science/Social Studies 3:00 Daily Wrap-up 3:20 Dismissal *On Mondays, Specials are at 2:10.
Specials Schedule Monday- Computer 1 Tuesday- P.E. Wednesday-Library Thursday- Music Friday- P.E.
Reading Balanced literacy approach: Read-Alouds Poetry Just Right Reading Shared Reading Guided Reading Groups Reading Workshop
Written Composition Writer’s Workshop held daily that incorporates: The writing process Writing exercises Writing responses
Spelling/Word Study Phonetic principles for spelling words are worked on and high frequency words will be emphasized Spelling lists usually come home every other Monday List will show phonetic PATTERN (CVC) Test will be given at the end of two weeks The test will look for application of the phonetic principles being studied
Math Investigations Word problems Logical thinking Math processes and reasoning Memorization of basic addition facts with sums to 18
Science/Health/Social Studies The Scientific Process Seasons, matter, weather, living things, and our environment Social Studies- How things work together (communities, citizenship, government, natural resources, and economics)
Standards-Based Report Cards Similar to kindergarten and 1 st grade report cards Documents academic growth Provides specific information about what students know and are able to do Success is determined by improvement over time
Documenting Mastery Teachers take the work that the student completes and then evaluate it based on a rubric. The rubric score will provide specific information about where students are in the process of learning the standard. Reading the Standards- Based Report Card
Scoring Grid for 2 nd Grade Report Cards 4 Advanced 3 Proficient 2 Basic 1 Below Basic StandardConsistently meets and often exceeds. Regularly meets. Beginning to meet. Working below grade level. Errors in Work Rare to noneLimitedManyN/A Teacher Support Rarely needs teacher support to meet standard. Works independently Occasionally needed. Demonstrates proficiency. Frequently needed. Strong instructional support needed.
If the standard is….. To bake a cake.
4 Advanced 3 Proficient 2 Basic 1 Below Basic Ingredients All ingredients used; measured exactly; used all natural ingredients; no substitutions. All ingredients used; no substitutions; measured exactly. All ingredients used; made a few substitutions; measurement not exact. Missing ingredients; made substitutions; did not measure exactly. Appearance Decorated cake above and beyond expectations; added a second layer of cake; candles; used several icing techniques. Iced cake; candles on cake. Iced cake; no candles. No icing; no decorations; cake did not rise appropriately. Directions Followed exactly; needed no support to complete cake. Followed directions; asked few questions; needed little assistance. Attempted to follow directions; had many questions; needed frequent support. Did not know how to begin; had many questions; needed constant help.
Portfolios Reading the Standards- Based Report Card Your child will have a portfolio that is used to collect a sampling of work. Some work will be sent home to you for review but most work will remain in the portfolio that is housed in the classroom.
Report Cards Reading the Standards- Based Report Card At the end of the grading period, your child will get a report card. Your child will receive a score of 4, 3, 2, or 1 on each of the standards listed. This will give you information about how your child is progressing in mastering the standard. If an area is shaded in, that particular standard is not taught during that grading period.
Work Habits & Conduct Quarters 1234 Work & Study Habits Uses time wisely Stays on task Follows written directions Follows oral directions Listens attentively Completes work carefully & neatly Organizes work area & materials Works at a steady pace & avoids making careless mistakes If an item is not marked it is not applicable at the time. + Consistently demonstrates at independent level √ Demonstrates with support - Needs improvement Rubric used for evaluating student:
Work Habits & Conduct If an item is not marked it is not applicable at the time. + Consistently demonstrates at independent level √ Demonstrates with support - Needs improvement Citizenship Quarters 1234 Follows rules Interacts appropriately with others Accepts responsibility Demonstrates self-control Respects others and their property Is gaining independence Works democratically with others in a group Rubric used for evaluating student:
Tutoring A phone call will be made informing you when tutoring is necessary. Tutoring begins promptly at 7:25 a.m. in the classroom. (Reading – Tuesday and Thursday, Math – Wednesday)
Traveling the Road to Success!