1 California Common Core Standards (CCCS) Contra Costa County Curriculum Council October, 2010
2 Presentation Outline CCSS Overview Understanding the Current Backdrop Standards in English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Standards in Mathematics Foreshadowing Things to Come
3 the same for everyone fundamental knowledge needed to be college & career ready adopted statewide; not federal Shared, rigorous academic content with clear expectations for students
4 CCSS Development Timeline Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Initiative (‘09) – 48 states voluntarily joined the initiative sponsored by CCSSO and NGA – States committed to (1) participate in the development of CCSS and (2) deliberate on the possible state adoption CCSS in California (Jan. ‘10) – SB X5 1 required creation of ACSC to “ensure that the rigor” of CA’s standards are maintained by the CCSS, and recommend whether CCSS should be adopted Adoption Recommended with Some Additions – 85% rule (July ‘10) – CA incorporates some new words, phrases and a few CA standards SBE Unanimously Adopts ACSC’s Recommendation (August ‘10) – CCCS adopted by CA on 8/2/10 – the last day to remain a viable contender for the 2 nd round of RTTT funds Multiple drafts of the CCSS were reviewed and vetted by tens of thousands (including teacher unions, professional math and English language arts organizations at both the K-12 and post-secondary levels)
5 Sections of the CCSS June 2, 2010 English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects – THE ELA & LITERACY STANDARDS – Appendix A: Research Supporting Key Elements – Appendix B: Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks – Appendix C: Samples of Student Writing Mathematics – THE MATHEMATICS STANDARDS – Appendix A: Designing High School Math Course Based on CCSS Sections on applications for English Learners and Students with Disabilities were also included in this draft.
6 CCSS Characteristics Alignment with college and work expectations – Knowledge and skills needed for success after high school Rigorous content Application of higher-order thinking skills International benchmarking – Informed by curriculum and assessments from top- performing countries to insure success in our global economy (e.g., NAEP) Evidence and/or research-based.
7 Understanding the Current Backdrop Transitioning to New Standards
8 CA’s Textbook Adoption Timeline Math – Framework, Jan – Materials Adoption, Aug – Materials Available, Dec ELA – Will follow the math timeline by 2 years Current text materials will be in use until these dates!
9 Timeline for Assessment Development STAR sunsets in New Common Core Assessments projected to – be piloted in – “go live” in CA has joined the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College & Careers (PARCC) – With a new Governor and SPI, CA could change their consortium membership – For more information on each assessment consortium: PARCC: Smarter Balanced Assessment:
10 Outline of Next Steps State Board of Education Meeting in Nov 2010 or Jan 2011 – CA Department of Education will present a plan for next steps in Framework and textbook adoption Assessment Professional development
11 English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Content and Design
12 Organization of ELA Standards Three Main Sections – English Language Arts (Grades K-5) – English Language Arts (Grades 6-12) – Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (Grades 6-12)
13 Four Strands in Each Section Reading Writing Speaking and Listening Language
14 Comparison of CA and CCCS Current CA ELA Domains CCCS Strands Reading Writing Listening and SpeakingSpeaking and Listening Written and Oral Language ConventionsLanguage
15 ELA Anchored by CCR Standards
17 READING Alignment with NAEP Distribution of Literary and Informational Passages by Grade in the 2009 NAEP Reading Framework GradeLiteraryInformational 4 th 50% 8 th 45%55% 12 th 30%70% Note: This does not mean that 70% of 12 th grade English should be informational texts, but that a great deal of reading should also occur in other disciplines.
18 WRITING Alignment with NAEP Distribution of Communicative Purposes by Grade in the 2011 NAEP Writing Framework GradePersuadeExplain Convey Experience 4 th 30%35% 8 th 35% 30% 12 th 40% 20%
19 Key Advances Reading – Balance of literature and informational texts – Text complexity (see 2-pages in handouts) Writing – Emphasis on argument and informative/explanatory writing – Writing about sources – Multi-media skills are blended throughout the standards – Making arguments and drawing evidence from sources Speaking and Listening – Inclusion of formal and informal talk Language – Stress on general academic and subject-specific vocabulary with an appendix that offers a selection of student writing samples with annotations. Based on ACSA Powerpoint*
20 What did CCSS add to Current CA ELA Vocabulary Standards Standards for “collaborative discussions” Formal presentations (Grades 1-12) Penmanship (Grades 2-4) Career and consumer documents for writing (Grade 8) Analysis of text features in informational text (Grades 6-12) Based on ACSA Powerpoint*
21 Toggle Your Perspective - ELA What possibilities do the new CCSS in ELA offer? What challenges do they present?
22 Mathematics Content and Design
23 In the Introduction of the Math CCSS Mathematics experience in early childhood should concentrate on (1) number (which includes whole number, operations, and relations) and (2) geometry, spatial relations, and measurement, with more mathematics learning time devoted to number than to other topics. Mathematical process goals should be integrated in these content areas. - National Research Council, 2009
24 Intended Goals for Mathematics CCSS Aim for clarity and specificity Stress conceptual understanding of key ideas Balance mathematics understanding and procedural skill Internationally benchmarked
25 Design and Organization of Math CCSS Standards for Mathematical Practice – Carry across all grade levels – Describe mathematical habits of mind that should be taught explicitly to all students Standards for Mathematical Content – K-8 standards are presented by grade level – Organized into domains that progress over several grades – Grade introductions give 2-4 focal points at each grade level – High school standards presented by conceptual theme
26 Standards for Mathematical Practice 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 4. Model with mathematics 5. Use appropriate tools strategically 6. Attend to precision 7. Look for and make use of structure 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning These practices are cross cutting and listed on the same pages as the content standards
27 K-5 Mathematics Content Domains DomainsGrade Level Counting and CardinalityK only Operations and Algebraic Thinking1-5 Number and Operations in Base Ten1-5 Number and Operations -- Fractions3-5 Measurement and Data1-5 Geometry1-5
28 Example of a Mathematics Content Standard
29 Middle Grade Mathematics Content Domains DomainsGrade Level Ratio and Proportional Relationships6-7 The Number System6-8 Expressions and Equations6-8 Functions8 Geometry6-8 Statistics and Probability6-8
30 Algebra I and the Grade 8 CCSS Goal: all students take Algebra I in the 8 th grade But not all have the prerequisite skills for Algebra I There are two sets of standards at Grade 8 that prepare students for college and career – Standards for Algebra I: Taken from the 8 th Grade Common Core and the high school Algebra cluster – Standards for 8 th Grade: 8 th Grade CCSS CA standards (CCCS) in grades K-7 were augmented to prepare students for either set of standards in Grade 8
31 High School Math Conceptual Themes High schools standards are grouped by conceptual themes (not by grade level or course title). The themes are – Number and quantity – Algebra – Functions – Modeling – Geometry – Probability and Statistics (*) Standards that incorporate modeling (+) Standards that are necessary to prepare for advanced courses
32 Key Advances in Math CCSS Focus and Coherence – Focus on key topics at each grade level Numeracy Geometry Fractions – Coherent progressions across grade levels Balance of Concepts and Skills – Content standards require both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency (i.e., mastery) Mathematical Practices – Foster reasoning and sense-making in mathematics College and career readiness – Level is ambitious but achievable Based on ACSA Powerpoint*
33 CCCS Math Standards More similarities than differences (K-12) Adds two current California courses – Calculus – Advanced Statistics and Probability High school course descriptions to be developed by CDE as part of their long-range implementation plan
34 Toggle Your Perspective - ELA See Handout on Last Page What possibilities do the new CCSS in ELA offer? What challenges do they present?
35 Foreshadowing Things to Come
36 Foreshadowing the New Assessments Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) requires – ELA and mathematics in grades 3-8 and at least once in grades – Science at least once during each of three specified grade spans: 3-5, 6-9, and Currently Existing Internationally Benchmarked Assessments – National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) – Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) – Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PRLS)
37 Foreshadowing the New Assessments End-of-year and “through-course” formative assessments Go beyond multiple choice questions and include performance based assessments Will measure higher order thinking Computerized s
38 Heads Together In groups of 4, puts yours heads together and discuss one of the challenges listed on the charts.
39 Resources ACSA Powerpoint: Common Core Update presented at the ACSA Delegate Assembly on in Los Angeles For more information about the Common Core, see: Sacramento County Office Information & Support for Common Core Standards: National Council of Teachers of English National Council of Teachers of Mathematics