Hit the Ground Running: Financial Planning after Deployment (APR 2013) 1 Hit the Ground Running: Financial Planning after Deployment Facilitator’s Name Date
Hit the Ground Running: Financial Planning after Deployment (APR 2013) 2 Identify tasks necessary to update your financial plan after deployment. Assess your needs for employment and how ESGR/USERRA applies to your situation. Create a to-do list for reviewing and updating your personal financial plan. Objectives
Hit the Ground Running: Financial Planning after Deployment (APR 2013) 3 Review and Refresh Spending Plan Savings Insurance Update Financial Plan
Hit the Ground Running: Financial Planning after Deployment (APR 2013) 4 Spending Plan INCOME –Wages/Salary –Alimony –Child Support –Retirement income –Social Security EXPENSES –Savings/Emergency –Food –Housing –Utilities –Transportation –Insurances –Clothing
Hit the Ground Running: Financial Planning after Deployment (APR 2013) 5 Live Within Your Means Create your spending plan Pay yourself savings first Divide spending into categories Fill envelopes by category Spend till its gone Put any left over in savings Try an App for your phone that tracks expenses.
Hit the Ground Running: Financial Planning after Deployment (APR 2013) 6 Spending by the Envelope System 1.Do these categories reflect how you spend your money? 2.What categories would you add or remove from this list for your purposes? 3.What expenses would you switch from Envelope to Checking Account, or Savings Account? 4.Do you think you could spend out of an envelope?
Hit the Ground Running: Financial Planning after Deployment (APR 2013) 7 Check your Leave and Earnings Statement (LES)
Hit the Ground Running: Financial Planning after Deployment (APR 2013) 8 Savings Emergency savings –3-6 months income Revolving savings Long-term savings –Saving Deposit Program (SDP) –Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
Hit the Ground Running: Financial Planning after Deployment (APR 2013) 9 Medical Insurance TRICARE, TAMP Life Insurance Auto Insurance Home/Renters Insurance Dental Insurance Insurance
Hit the Ground Running: Financial Planning after Deployment (APR 2013) 10 Financial arrangements – Allotments – Automatic bill pay Review/Revoke Power of Attorney (POA) Taxes Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) Employment Other Considerations
Hit the Ground Running: Financial Planning after Deployment (APR 2013) 11 Service Member Responsibilities 1.Provide prior notice to your employer. 2.Leave your place of employment to perform military service. 3.Serve under honorable conditions. 4.Not be absent due to military service for more than five cumulative years. 5.Report back to work in a timely manner.
Hit the Ground Running: Financial Planning after Deployment (APR 2013) 12 Service Member Rights under USERRA 1.Prompt reinstatement back into their job 2.Accumulation of seniority as if they never left 3.Protection against discharge 4.Immediate reinstatement of health insurance 5.Training and retraining of job skills 6.Protection against discrimination
Hit the Ground Running: Financial Planning after Deployment (APR 2013) 13 Issue Resolution Inform Chain of Command Contact ESGR : , Contact DOL: USA-DOL, Contact a private attorney (personal cost)
Hit the Ground Running: Financial Planning after Deployment (APR 2013) 14 Identify tasks necessary to update your financial plan after deployment. Assess your needs for employment and how ESGR/USERRA applies to your situation. Create a to-do list for reviewing and updating your personal financial plan. Objectives
Hit the Ground Running: Financial Planning after Deployment (APR 2013) 15 Hit the Ground Running: Financial Planning after Deployment Facilitator’s Name Date