What You Need To Know…..
WHAT, WHO, WHERE, WHICH WHAT: Opportunity for high school students to take college level courses. Students are enrolled simultaneously in both high school and college. WHO: Eligible juniors and seniors WHERE: Courses are offered at Pellissippi State Community College WHICH: Students may choose general education courses (math, English, science, social studies) or from a variety of career technical (CTE) courses.
General Education Classes These courses expose students to a broad spectrum of topics in preparation for completion of a baccalaureate degree – though some general education courses are also required for career/technical certificates and degrees. Courses are typically at the introductory level and include communication, history, humanities/fine arts, mathematics, natural science, and social/behavior science.
General Education Classes EXAMPLES English Composition I - ENGL 1010 English Composition II - ENGL 1020 College Algebra – MATH 1130 U.S. History II – HIST 2020 General Psychology – PSY 1030 Elementary Probability & Stats – MATH 1530
DUAL ENROLLMENT GRANT WHAT: Funds are provided through the Tennessee state lottery. Students are awarded a maximum of $1200 per award year, divided up into $600 for two semesters both your junior and senior years. If you are awarded the Dual Enrollment grant, Pellissippi State offers the DE scholarship that absorbs $132 of the remaining $171, so that the student is only responsible for $39 out of pocket (per 3 credit hour course). The cost for textbooks will need to be paid by the student as well.
DUAL ENROLLMENT GRANT Under the DE Grant, students are allowed 2 DE classes each semester of his or her junior and senior year (for a total of 8 classes) Students can utilize grant funds during the summer between their junior and senior year.
Important steps to follow to receive the DE scholarship Student must select Dual Enrollment on the PSCC application and be admitted with a Dual Enrollment admission type. Student must apply for the DE grant on the TSAC website by the first day of classes (as published in the PSCC catalog) each semester. Student must be certified as eligible for the DE grant by TSAC Student must be registered for classes and certified as eligible before the 14 th day of classes each semester
ELIGIBILITY continued CURRENT 11 TH GRADERS – Must use ACT scores for senior year. Must have a minimum ACT score of 19 in English and Reading, if you wish to take a course that does not involve math skills Must have a minimum ACT score of 19 in Math and Reading, if you wish to take a course that does involve math skills Examples of general education courses: US History, Anatomy/Physiology, Music Appreciation, Philosophy, Pre- Cal, English, Speech, Psychology, Sociology
D.E. GRANT FAQs 1. CAN I LOSE ELIGIBILITY FOR THE GRANT? YES! In order to remain eligible for the grant, you must maintain a 2.75 cumulative college GPA. Basically, you need to make a B or higher in the college courses you take. (Once you lose the DE grant, you can’t get it back.)
D.E. ENROLLMENT FAQs 2. CAN I TAKE DE CLASSES AND PAY FOR THEM OUT OF POCKET? YES! If you become ineligible for the grant OR if you choose to take more DE courses than the grant will pay, you can still take the course, however, you will be paying for it.
THINGS TO CONSIDER…. Not all Pellissippi State courses will “FIT” into block scheduling. YOU CAN NOT sign up for a class that overlaps w/ KHS blocks. Pellissippi State courses will fill up. DO NOT PUT OFF registering for the course once the Registration Period opens. Pellissippi State may have a different fall or spring break than Knox County.
More things to consider… KHS personnel does NOT enroll your student in their college course. Student/parent must enroll at PSCC and enroll in the particular section of the course. College courses are normally taught either 2 or 3 days a week. Depending on the time of the course, the student will be leaving and returning to KHS campus.
Example of Class Offerings Class TitleDay and TimeCode and Section #Period at KHS Intro to Physical Anthropology MW 3:05 – 4:25ANT th Art DrawingMW 3:05 – 5:35ART th College SuccessMWF 8:35 – 9:30COLL st MWF 11:50 – 12:45COLL rd Intro to Electrical Engineering Technology Thursdays 6:15 – 9:15EET st or 4th Fundamentals of Technical Drawing w/ Lab MW 8:30 – 11:30ENGT ST AND 2ND Introduction to Game Design 3:30 – 6:05 TuesdaysMDT ST OR 4TH Check current course catalog for accurate days and times
And more…. NO interim grades are reported. The college teacher will not discuss a students academic progress with the parent. College course title and grade earned will appear on the high school transcript. DE courses are not listed as Honors or AP courses, but will receive the 0.5 weight in the weighted GPA.
And finally…. The window to schedule your DE course for fall semester does not open until AFTER you have turned in your Course Selection Form to KHS in the spring. However, if you want to take a course in the fall, you should go ahead and complete the following 4 steps.
STEPS TO TAKE…. 1. Apply to Pellissippi; pay the $20 application fee. Must choose DE as your course of study 2. Submit a copy of your transcript w/ ACT scores to Pellissippi 3. Complete the Hepatitis B immunization form 4. Complete the online Dual Enrollment Grant application for Fall
SPRING TIMELINE February. KHS Course Selection process for school year. Completed forms are due in Advisory on... Mid – March. Online Class Schedule listing available at Pellissippi. April 2 – Pellissippi class registration opens.
SPRING TIMELINE continued APRIL All KHS students who wish to take a DE course in the FALL semester must register this week. APRIL 16. DEADLINE. DE students must print out PROOF of enrollment in the particular class they are taking at Pellissippi and turn it in to their KHS counselor. KHS counselors will make change on Course Selection form.
I’m enrolled, now what do I do? 1. Bring a copy of PSCC class schedule to the KHS counseling office. 2. Parent must sign DE Authorization for off-campus courses form and return to KHS counseling office. 3. Confirm attendance and pay all outstanding fees by August 9 th.
Student/Parent Responsibilities Completion of all application requirements to the college, including DE grant application. Knowledge of time and place of college course. Transportation to and from DE course. Attendance and academic performance in both KHS and college courses. Submit official verification of the final grade from the college within two weeks of the end of the course. This must be submitted to the counseling office in order to appear on the transcript.
College courses taken under the restrictions of the Tennessee Dual Enrollment grant do not count towards the Tennessee HOPE Scholarship college GPA and the attempted credit hours limitation. Course Schedule available on web: