What Can Emotional Transformation Therapy ® (ETT ® ) Do? By Steven Vazquez, Ph D Consistently facilitate relief of current emotional distress within seconds or minutes
Why Does Speed of Treatment Matter? 1.Many people come to therapy because they feel distress they cannot alleviate. When it is relieved quickly, they are grateful. 2.Most people seek pharmaceuticals from their doctors instead of going to counseling because they think it is faster. ETT ® is usually faster than drugs.
3. Most talk therapy involves long and drawn out emotional experiences, but that length of painful experience is usually unnecessary in ETT ®. 4. It is necessary to face emotions in ETT ®, but the length of time in distress is radically shortened
5.“Exposure therapies” like prolonged exposure, desensitization, EMDR. etc. risk higher dropout rates because they confront the avoidance defense too long. 6. Briefer encounters with emotional distress makes people feel more comfortable in therapy
7.It costs less to conduct treatment in fewer sessions 8.It is more humane to make excursions into distress more brief Consistently facilitate retrieval of relevant implicit or somatic memory Elicits and permanently erase core emotional memory responsible for current symptoms with a brief series of sessions
Consistently facilitates elimination of severe physical pain within minutes Consistently changes dissociative symptoms within a brief series of sessions Permanently eliminates addictive craving, without pharmaceuticals, as rapidly as in a single session
7 Rapidly extinguish panic attacks within a brief series of sessions Consistently eliminate obsessive compulsive symptoms within a brief series of sessions
8 Light, Brain and Vision Consistently facilitate states of extreme wellbeing such as: 1.Emersion into the timelessness of the present moment 1.Euphoric states of joy 1.Ecstatic states of love
9 4. States of complete peace 5. Direct experiences of contact with the divine 6. Direct experiences of oneness, or the void 7. Elevation of self-esteem, confidence, or self-compassion
10 8. Complete release of grief, anger, and/or fear 9. Gratitude and forgiveness 10. Positive visionary or auditory hallucinations
11 What is ETT ® ? a synthesis of attachment based interpersonal therapy that is radically amplified by precise visual brain stimulation facilitates "transformation" of emotional disturbances
12 How Visual Brain Stimulation Impacts Emotion and Physiology When light enters the eyes, photosensitive cells convert light into neural impulses These visually initiated impulses travel throughout the entire brain
13 Many of these neural impulses affect parts of the brain beyond the visual cortex that control thoughts, emotions, and physical symptoms
14 By selecting precise forms of visual stimulation, at the time of emotional distress, the neural impulses are directed to rapidly change the parts of the brain responsible for the disturbance
15 This "resonance" changes the disturbance and can be directed to facilitate: 1. Relief of physical symptoms 2. Relief of cognitive symptoms 3. Memory retrieval 4. Insight 5. States of extreme wellbeing
Before ETT
After ETT
Before ETT
After ETT
20 There are four ETT ® modalities Multidimensional eye movement(MDEM) which uses an innovative form of slow, precise eye movement in conjunction with color that facilitates rapid psychophysical changes
21 Peripheral eye stimulation that can facilitate instant relief of intense emotional or physical distress, or access implicit memory related to an issue
22 Spectral resonance technique can (1) detect and change dissociation, (2) detect affective escalation and change it, and (3) facilitate “instant unlearning” of core emotional memory permanently in one session.
23 Light emitting device which can execute all of the functions of the other modalities plus facilitate brainwave entrainment and states of extreme wellbeing
24 These modalities offer flexibility to custom-tailor treatment to: variations of individual responsivity adaptability to different psychophysical symptoms
25 C omparison of Transformation Process and Emotional Regulation Emotional Regulation Therapeutic Transformation C ompetes against Eliminates source of problem: s ource of the Uses new learnings to delete p roblem. problematic learnings. U ses new learning t o develop preferred s tate.
26 Emotional Regulation Therapeutic Transformation S ymptom reduction isSymptom cessation is rapid and s low and incrementalcomplete. i ncremental. S ubject to relapse.Not subject to relapse.
27 E motional Regulation Therapeutic Transformation P referred state needs Remaining symptoms-free is e ffortful ongoingeffortless. maintenance. P ersistent sense of Increased sense of unified self d ivided selfandand wholeness. a nd inner conflict.
28 E motional Regulation Therapeutic Transformation S ymptom productionSymptom production is i s understood in aunderstood as the normal p athologizing mannerfunctioning and expression a s a dysregulation ofof implicit memory. b rain systems.
29 ETT ® is: natural values the interpersonal therapeutic bond often makes psychiatric drugs unnecessary usually works faster than most psychiatric drugs
30 does not have drug side-effects often makes pain killing drugs unnecessary provides extremely rapid effects can facilitate permanent resolution can rapidly access unconscious roots to issues
31 What conditions are ETT ® used for? Posttraumatic stress disorder Acute stress disorder Addictions - substance and behavioral Panic disorder
32 Major depression Sleep disorders Brain injury Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Obsessive compulsive disorder Generalized anxiety disorder Eating disorders Psychotic symptoms
33 Couple relationship issues Chronic physical pain 1.low back pain 2.migraine headaches 3.pain from injuries 4.Tempero mandibular joint pain 5.Sciatica 6.Knee and foot pain
Contact Information Steven Vazquez, Ph D Address:2520 Harwood, Suite 100 Bedford, TX Metro: Local: Fax: Websites: ettcenter.com ettia.org 34