Top 10 List of Things NOT to do with E-Rate and Technology Planning
#10 Ignoring the Quarterly Payment Authorization Report –This report was developed to assist you in letting you know which vendor(s) have made claims to E-Rate on your behalf –If a vendor’s name shows up that you have not done business with, please contact the E- Rate folks at
#9 The vendor is discounting your bill, but no one is checking to see if the percentage they are discounting matches your E-Rate application. –This of course means loss of available funds for your district.
#8 It is August or September by the time your district is notified that you will be receiving E-Rate discounts for an E-Rate year that started July 1 st. It is a bookkeeping nightmare because your July, August and possibly September bills were not discounted.
#7 When working on your technology plan, please ensure that at least 25% of Title II Part D funds are dedicated to Staff Development as reflected in the Budget Detail portion of the technology plan. –This is a NCLB requirement. –Remember, not everyone is as good at math as you are.
#6 The number of students enrolled times the estimated annual technology allotment is not what is budgeted on your technology plan. –Again, not everyone is as good at math as you are.
#5 When completing the E-Rate Form 472 (BEAR Form) for reimbursement(s) if your bills were not discounted, how do you know which bills you claimed last year?
#4 When completing Block 6 on E-Rate Form 471, you may not ever be consulted on the amount placed in the box labeled “Total budgeted amount allocated to resources not eligible for E-Rate support”. –This amount becomes very important if you ever go through an E-Rate audit. –This amount should match your technology plan.
#3 Not having the correct dates on contracts. –E-Rate requires a written contract between you and the vendor(s). –If your contract is dated before the required 28-day waiting period for E-Rate, your funding request will be denied. –Also remember – contracts must be dated before the close of the E-Rate window.
#2 The person completing the E-Rate application asks for the “highest bill received” and they are given the amount after E-Rate discounts have been applied. –E-Rate will only fund what you request. –Can only allow for about a 10% increase on your bills.
#1 Not asking for help or not working together! My contact information: Susan Sullivan Work: