Quickseal – Lepilno tesnilna masa Visoko kvalitetno tesnilno lepilna masa razvita z zadnjo tehnologijo. Quick Seal je kombinacija tesnenja z odličnimi sposobnostmi lepljenja. Part Nº: 34501 (QSW) – bela, 290 ml kartuša 34502 (QSG) – siva, 290 ml kartuša 34503 (QSB) – črna, 290 ml kartuša 34453 (QSBR) – rjava, 290 ml kartuša Lastnosti Prednosti Je brez vonja - Nanaša se lahko na mokro in suho površino Ne vsebuje topil in isocinatov - Ne prepusti rjavine Modificiran polimer - Naredimo lahko originalno tesnjenje Visoka razteznost - Kompatibilen z vsemi vodnimi barvami Se ne stara in ne poka - Zaščiti kovino Enostavna aplikacija - Prihrani čas Aplikacija Okolju prijazno lepilno tesnilna masa, proizvedena za tesnjenje. Tesni na barvani in surovi kovini, ter pocinkani površini. Med seboj in tudi en z drugim lepi in tesni: aluminij, les, steklo in večino plastike, pleksisteklo, gumo, keramiko, beton, opeko in poliester. Pri aplikaciji ne potrebuje prajmerja, površino le očistimo oziroma razmastimo s KENT Acrysolom. Material je baziran na osnovi MS polimera, je UV odporen in ne vsebuje topil in isocinatov. Navodila za uporabo Očistimo mesto lepljenja z čistilom Acrysol. Počakamo, da se mesto čiščenja popolnoma osuši preden apliciramo QS Odrežemo vrh kartuše, navijemo nastavek, ki ga odrežemo na želeno velikost in vstavimo tako pripravljeno kartušo v zračno ali ročno pištolo. Nanesemo QS na želeno mesto. Višek QS lahko odstranimo s čisto krpo. Ko se posuši, ga lahko obdelamo (brusimo) ali po želji pobarvamo. Namigi & Nasveti DS10 0095 01
Quick seal - Lepilno tesnilna masa Tehnične informacije Št. izdelka 34501/34502/34503 Opis: Lepilno tesnilna masa Rok uporabe: 18 mesecev Prodajan enota: posamezno Opis nevarnosti: ni nevaren VOC: 0 g/l Koda: QSW/QSG/QSB Tarifna št.: 3214 10 10 MSDS: Da Rasteznost: do 300 % Oblika: glatka, bela masa, srednje do visoke viskoznosti Začetni čas sušenja: 8 – 10 min Globina sušenja v 1h:: 0,75 mm Globina sušenja v 24-ih urah: 3-4 mm(pri 20C˚ in 50% vlagi v zraku) Volumenski skrček: < 1 % Osnovni material: MS polimer UV in vremenska odpornost:odlična Temperaturna odpornost: -40 C˚ do 90 C˚ (+150 C˚ v intervalih) Natezna trdnost: 270 N/cm2 Proizvod Uporaben z: Acrysol (ABS/SAB) Prodajni trg Primarni Sekundarni Varnost in zdravje Proizvod ne vsebuje nevarnih elementov. Varnostni list je uporabniku na voljo na zahtevo. In order to provide you with the most appropriate Personal Protective Equipment when using our products, KENT advises that you follow the guidelines on the packaging of the product before use. The guidelines are there for your protection and KENT provides a range of Personal Protection Equipment such as clothing, eye glasses, goggles, face shields and breathing apparatus, complying with the latest European legislation. If you require further advice then please phone our freephone number and we will be pleased to help you. Telephone: 0800 136925 liability resulting from negligence or where the Group was aware of the possibility of such loss or damage arising) is excluded. This will not operate to limit or restrict the Group's liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence KENT is the tradingname of Premier Industrial (UK) Limited Registered Office: 36-48 Queen Street, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 5AD Registered in England Nº: 1164516 VAT Registration Nº: 169 6803 22 KENT and Premier Industrial are registered trademarks of Premier Farnell plc or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Terms and Conditions No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted or stored, electronically, mechanically or photocopied without the prior permission of Premier Industrial (UK) Limited. This data sheet and its contents (the "Information") belong to the Premier Farnell Group (the "Group") or are licensed to it. No licence is granted for the use of it other than for information purposes in connection with the products to which it relates. No licence of any intellectual property rights is granted. The Information is subject to change without notice and replaces all data sheets previously supplied. The Information supplied is believed to be accurate but the Group assumes no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness, any error from or omission in it nor for any use made of it. Users of this data sheet should check for themselves the Information and the suitability of the products for their purpose and not make any assumptions based on information included or omitted. Liability for loss or damage resulting from any reliance on the Information or use of it (including AT team d.o.o., Zapuška cesta 63, 1000 Ljubljana Tel: 01 519 33 33 Fax: 01 518 71 95 E-mail:at-team@at-team.si www.at-team.si DS10