10/29/071 Opportunity to Learn (OTL) Kansas State Department of Education October 29, 2007
2 Opportunity to Learn (OTL) Opportunity to Learn provides 9-12 bldgs. the flexibility to schedule state assessments for students (individuals, groups, classes) after they have had the opportunity to learn the skills/concepts/content included in the Kansas assessed indicators.
3 Reading and Math OTLw second opportunity Opportunity to Learn (OTLw) with second opportunity for non-proficient students is only available in Reading and Mathematics. Science and Social Studies OTLw/o second opportunity All 11 th grade students must take both Science and Social Studies this year. However, Opportunity to Learn (OTLw/o) is available for 9 th and 10 th grade students in Science and History-Government this year.
4 Reading and Math General Provisions for OTL/w Reading and Math in High School Grade 11 is cohort group for AYP Grade 12 students cannot be tested Schools will submit TEST record to KIDS CETE will generate OTL reports to assist schools in determining which students to test are posted on CETE website
5 Reading and Math General Provisions for OTL/w (continued) Only students who do not achieve “Meets Standard” may be retested Students have two opportunities to test in a given school Tests must be given in separate semesters September 1 through December 31 January 1 through May 1 for Grade 11 students January 1 through May 15 for students in Grades 9 and 10
6 Reading and Math General OTL/w Things to Consider Before Deciding Not to Provide Second Opportunity Non-proficient students who are not retested will not count against you for participation (banked score). Non-proficient students who are not retested will retain their non-proficient status. They will be included in your AYP calculations (banked score).
7 Critical OTL Dates for Reading and Math Oct. 1KCA OTL window opened Jan. 2Alternate window opens Feb. 18Paper/pencil window opens April 14Paper/pencil window closes April 14Alternate window closes April 18Answer sheets must be returned to CETE for writing, reading, and mathematics April 22Alternate scores must be entered May 1KCA window closes for Grade 11 May 15 KCA window closes for Grades 9&10
8 Critical OTL Dates for Science & Social Studies Jan. 2Alternate window opens March 17Paper Pencil and KCA window opens May 9Paper Pencil window closes May 9Alternate window closes May 9KCA window closes for grade 11 May 15KCA window closes for grades 9&10 May 16 Answer sheets must be returned to CETE for Science and Social Studies May 16Alternate scores must be entered
9 Transition Year – History- Government and Science Test all students in Grade 11. Schools may test students in Grades 9 and/or 10 if they have had the opportunity to learn the assessed Kansas Standards. Scores for students in Grades 9 and 10 will be banked until the cohort year (not used in establishing cut scores).
10 OTL/w Reading and Math Reports on CETE Website Group 1 – Priority Includes Grade 11 students who, if not tested, will have a negative effect on the school’s and/or district’s AYP Students who have never taken the test Students who have taken one test but did not score at the “Meets Standard” level
11 OTL/w Reading and Math Reports on CETE Website (continued) Group 2 – Optional - 9 th and 10 th graders Includes students who are eligible for testing if the building determines students have had opportunity to learn Students who have taken one assessment but did not score at the “Meets Standard” level Students who have never taken the test
12 OTL/w Reading and Math Reports on CETE Website (continued) Group 3 – Complete Includes students who have scored “Meets Standard” on a previous test or have two test scores, both of which did not meet the standard NOTE: there will be no OTL reports this year for Science or Social Studies.
13 Summary – Complete Students Has scored meets standard or above. Has scored below meets standard twice in the same school. The student has been included in an NCLB cohort group (reclassified).
14 KIDS “TEST”=CETE OTL Reports KIDS “TEST” submission for H.S. OTL Reports 1. Any 9 th, 10 th, and 11th grade student the district is intending to test should be included in the TEST submission (i.e. indicate the appropriate test type value in D72 Math and/or D73 Reading). 2. Any 10 th or 11 th grade student that the district is unsure about assessing OR not planning to assess should be submitted in the TEST submission. If desired, fields D72 Math and D73 Reading may be left blank. If the school decides to test students with blank values in D72 or D73, an updated TEST record must be submitted. The TEST record with the test type indicated will be used instead of the original record with no assessment indicated.
15 Questions on Mobility 1.When a student moves to another school after having been tested only once, the sending school is the AYP school and keeps the score of a student who has met the standard. 2.If the student who has tested only once has not met the standard, the receiving school becomes the AYP school and also inherits TWO new opportunities to test the student. In neither case does the banked score count for or against the receiving school. Examples follow.
16 Questions on Mobility (continued) Examples of Number 2: 11 th grade student moves into new school prior to 9/20/07 Must be assessed and new score will be used in AYP calculations and for participation 11 th grade student moves into new school after 9/20/07 Must be assessed and counts only for participation 11 th grade student moves into new school after 2/12/08 Student need not be assessed
17 Questions on Mobility (continued) When the student moves to another school after having been tested twice, the score stays with the sending school. When an exited student returns to the original building after 9/20 and has a non-proficient banked score, the non- proficient score counts for participation only.
18 11 th Grade AYP Cohort Triggers Look for banked score Look for current score Look for Exit Code Look for NT Code that would exempt student If none of four triggers are found, student will count against participation. 11 th grade cohort = 11 th graders as of the final TEST record with an entry date before 2/12, no exit record, or an exit record after the regular paper pencil window opens with no test.
19 Cohort Year The year student scores are used in the AYP and/or QPA calculation. Under OTL, districts have the option to administer any assessment during a given year. However, students must have completed all assessments by the end designated cohort year (Gr. 11 except SS-Gr.12)
20 Did I Say Use banked scores for AYP – scores from students in Grades 9 and 10. Grade 11 students who did not score “Meets Standard” as a 9 th grader, 10 th grader, or a first semester junior may be retested. Grade 11 students who have never taken the Kansas high school reading and/or math test must be tested.
21 Cohort Year Projection SS Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes *11th 10 th 11 th *12th 9 th 10 th 11 th 12th 9 th 10 th 11 th *12th 9 th 10 th 11 th 12th 9 th 10 th 11 th *12th
22 Anything I didn’t say? >Educators >Assessment >Main Assessment Page >Scroll to OTL