John Richards Clients Replacement Project Board 5 April 2006
2 Agenda 1.Introductions and Apologies for Absence 2.Project Board Structure 3.Project Initiation Document 4.Project Plan 5.Any Other Business 6.Date of Next Meeting
3 Project Board ICT Programme Senior Users Executive Project Manager Senior Suppliers Project Board
4 Project Board Membership ExecutiveTim Phillips, Information Services Senior Users Stephen Brooke, Medical & Veterinary Sciences Richard Abraham, Medicine & Dentistry Christine Hall, Arts Cathryn Gallacher, Support Services Colin Knowles, Social Sciences and Law Stephen Gundry, Engineering Vacancy, Science Senior SupplierHenryk Glogowski, Information Services
5 Executive - role Ultimately responsible for the project Ensure the project remains focused on its objectives Balance the demands of business, user and supplier
6 Senior Users - role Represent the interests of those who will use the final products of the project Ensure users’ needs are specified correctly Ensure user resources are made available Liaise with users and prioritise and contribute user opinions Resolve user requirements and priority conflicts Brief and advise within faculties
7 Senior Supplier - role Represent the interests of those designing, developing, procuring and operating and maintaining the project products Agree objectives for supplier activities Ensure supplier resources are made available Contribute supplier opinions Resolve supplier requirements and priority conflicts Brief and advise management on supplier aspects
8 Support Staff Users Training Helpdesk Portal Project Interfaces
9 Objectives 1.To provide the University’s staff and students with new, functional and easy to use clients. 2.To provide a webmail client that can be used by the Portal. 3.To ensure that the system supports and enhances the work of the University. 4.To provide a secure, reliable and trustworthy system. 5.To reduce the support burden on both users, trainers and IT support staff. 6.To do so with due regard to the financial implications and limitations.
10 To be done for webmail and desktop ReleaseInstall and test Decide Evaluate Shortlist Get feedback Approach Define requirements Create trainingCreate documentation Deliver training
11 Requirements and Evaluation Discussions with groups of users Web site – address for comments User on-line survey – –Start on 19 April –Finish on 3 May Feedback via Senior Users Trials of candidate software
12 Risks 1.An exploit of Silkymail becomes available 2.Training and/or documentation resources are not available. 3.Deployment resources not available 4.Insufficient resource to carry out communications and publicity. 5.Requirements of all user constituencies not addressed 6.Help desk insufficiently familiar with new clients
13 Plan