Day at the Beach Reflection: I had the opportunity to write a children’s story the mathematic concept of doubles. This opportunity gave me the chances to make connections across the curriculum. I had to link a math lesson and a literacy lesson together in one lesson. I feel this story showcases my knowledge and understanding of the ACEI Standard 2h. Connections across the curriculum-Candidates know, understand, and use the connections among concepts, procedures, and applications from content areas to motive elementary students, build understanding, and encourage the application of knowledge, skills, and ideas to real world issues. Story About Doubles Written and Pictures By: Kristy Stas 2009
The H twins; Hanna and Heaven, were spending a day on the beach with their aunt. The twins aunt had entered them in a sandcastle contest. Before they started their castle they search the beach for things they could use to decorate it with.
As the twins set out to explore, they came across a few sand buckets. Hanna took 5 buckets and Heaven also took 5 buckets. The twins had a total of 10 buckets to use to build their sandcastle = 10
As the twins were walking along the shore with their buckets, they came across some starfish. The starfish had been carried up to the shore by the waves. The twins thought the starfish could be used to decorate their castle. Heaven picked out 6 starfish and Hanna picked out 6 starfish. The twins had collected 12 starfish to decorate their castle with. After they place all the starfish in their buckets, the twins set out to find more things to decorate their sandcastle with = 12
The twins wanted to find tiny umbrellas to use as flags for their castle. They found a beverage cart that had tiny umbrellas. Hanna took 7 umbrellas and Heaven took 7 umbrellas from the cart. The twins had taken 14 umbrellas from the cart to use as flags for their castle = 14
From all the exploring, the twins were getting hungry. They came across a popsicle cart and decided to stop. Heaven was so hungry and hot from all the walking that she got 8 popsicles. Hanna saw another cart and got 8 popsicles. After the twins got their popsicles, they went to sit in the sand to eat their popsicles. The twins then realized they had bought 16 popsicles all together. The couldn’t believe they bought all those popsicles. After eating the popsicles the twins set out to find flowers for their castle = 16
The twins thought that flowers would add a colorful touch to their sandcastle. A long the beach the twin found beautiful white and pink flowers. Hanna took 9 white flowers and Heaven took 9 pink flowers. They had taken a total of 18 flowers for their sandcastle. They decided it was time to head back and start their castle = 18
As the twins were headed back to start their sandcastle, they came across a bunch of seashells. Hanna picked out 10 seashells and Heaven picked out 10 seashells for their castle. The twins had picked out a total of 20 seashells for their castle. The twins felt they had found enough things for their castle and headed back to start their sandcastle = 20
When the twins returned to were their aunt was resting, the started building their castle. After it was finished a judge come over and told them they had won first place for most unique sand castle. The twins had a great day at the beach and can’t wait to got back again.
Questions posed during story: Before reading the book: ~What do you think the story is about? ~Have you ever been to the beach? ~Does anyone know an twins? ~What is you favorite part of going to the beach? After reading Page2: ~What do you think the twins are going to find on the beach? ~Has any one ever build a sandcastle? After reading page 6: ~Has anyone ever seen a starfish? ~How many star fish did they see? After page 14: ~Has anyone seen seashells before? After book: ~What did you think of the story? ~Do you enjoy the beach? ~What was the story about? Description of activities after story: ~ For after reading I will discuss that this book is about double and talk about the double in the book. ~ Read again and after each page to the math problems together and count the pictures together. ~Have them use blocks to help figure out the problems from the story. ~Have the students try to think of a doubles problem ~Go over all the students problems ~Have each student do a page for a class double book, have them think a of a problem and make an illustration Put the book together as a class and have it for the students to look back over ~More advanced student could do the introduction and ending. ~Less advanced I would help them think and possibly give them the problem I want them to do for their page.
Standards: 1. 2 PS 1 Explore, examine and make observations about a social problem or mathematical situation CM 3 Share mathematical ideas through the manipulation of objects, drawings, pictures, in both written and verbal explanations N 15 Determine sums and differences of number sentences by various problems 4. 2 A 2 Describe and extend or decreasing sequences and patters (doubles)