Staff Training and Continuing Professional Development Some Suggested Activities Alan Hurst


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Presentation transcript:

Staff Training and Continuing Professional Development Some Suggested Activities Alan Hurst

Some questions concerning staff training and development Who should deliver? Who should receive? When should it occur? How should it be accomplished? What should it include?

Who should deliver? Involvement of disabled people Role of mainstream staff developers The contribution of specialist disability services staff

Who should receive? All staff Targetted groups Strategic approach with line managers What about students?

When should it occur? Before initial contact with students with impairments After some experience of working with students with impairments Continuous and with some incentive to become involved

How should it be accomplished? Electronic self taught Face-to-face sessions Application of principles associated with effective learning Use of simulations Embedding into routine policies and provision Compulsion or choice?

Based on research, what should it include? Definitions and models of disability Dyslexia Disclosure Discrimination Debate and discussion (few simple easy answers)

Some Sample Things to Do In Training Sessions1 Learning develops confidence – an ideas inventory based on word association Without thinking too long or too intensely, what word comes into your mind when you hear the word “STUDENT”?

Some Sample Things to Do In Training Sessions1 Learning develops confidence – an ideas inventory based on word association Without thinking too long or too intensely, what word comes into your mind when you hear the word “ DISABLED STUDENT”?

Some Sample Things to Do In Training Sessions 2 Learning improves knowledge – using a true/not true questionnaire Which of the following statements is TRUE or NOT TRUE? 1. You do not have tell the university that you have a disability when you apply to become a student. 2. Other students should be made aware of your disability 3. Someone with a disability can enter any course they choose 4. Students with dyslexia are disabled

True or False - Suggested Answers 1. True - it is up to the applicant whether s/he decides to declare a disability. Despite progress and the general tone of encouragement, some students still do not declare a disability at this stage. 2. False - if an individual wants others to know, they may decide to disclose the information or perhaps ask a member of staff to assist in this. However, if the student suddenly has an epileptic seizure with no advance indications, then the impairment becomes manifest. 3. False - currently, nobody has the right to enter automatically any course they choose; admissions tutors have the right to decide. On the other hand, in some countries, if they are not to risk challenges under anti-discrimination law, the reasons for rejecting an application must be clear and transparent. 4. True - for the purposes of funding and support in some countries, specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia are classed as a disability. This might not always be how the individuals concerned see themselves, however.

Some Sample Things to Do In Training Sessions 3 Learning is effective if learners participate actively – using case studies of students John has been deaf since birth. He is a British Sign Language (BSL) user. He lives with his very supportive family in North London. He has been educated in a mainstream school with excellent support organised by the partially-hearing units attached to both his primary and his secondary school. Currently he is studying the subjects of Computing, Maths, and Physics at school-leaving certificate level. He would like to enter university although currently his teachers express some doubt about his suitability for undergraduate work. At university he would like to study Physics. Having obtained a degree Imran says that he would like to work “with people” but his career aspirations are no clearer than this at this stage.

Some Sample Things to Do In Training Sessions 4 Learning is effective when relevance/usefulness seen – reflecting on university policies What reasons would you give to the university’s rector/president/vice-chancellor if asked to say why there is a need to enrol and welcome disabled students on to its courses and study programmes?

Some Sample Things to Do In Training Sessions 5 Learning is effective if the approach is varied – using dvd/video/publications and publicity For example using extracts from films in which there are disabled people e.g.”Born On the Fourth of July” OR Asking participants to collect examples of how disabled people are described in literature for children? OR Using specialist resources such as the DVD about disabled students in university libraries produced by a group of universities in Yorkshire,UK

Some Sample Things to Do In Training Sessions 6 Learning is effective when it is enjoyable Using cartoons for example by the American author, the late John Callahan

The Sourcebook Hurst, A. (2006) Towards Inclusive Learning for Disabled Students in Higher Education – Staff Development: A Practical Guide London: Skill Cost is Euro 12 plus postage (Euro 4) from Skill (Publications Section) Floor 3, Radisson Court, 219 Long lane, London SE1 4PR Can be ordered from website at ALL MONEY IS FOR THE CHARITY AND NOT FOR THE AUTHOR!