Annual IEP Meeting Name Name Class Class Block Block Date of IEP meeting Date of IEP meeting
My Disability Type of Disability Type of Disability Areas affected Areas affected Famous person with my same disability Famous person with my same disability
The way I learn best is: Use your learning styles inventories to add information here….what is your strongest learning style(s)?.....explain what this is Use your learning styles inventories to add information here….what is your strongest learning style(s)?.....explain what this is
Interests and Preferences Things you like to do, things people say you that you do well Things you like to do, things people say you that you do well Extracurricular Activities Extracurricular Activities
Career Assessment Results Current Career Cluster: List here SCOIS RESULTS SCOIS RESULTS CAREER CLUSTER SURVEY
Future Career Area #1 Career name Career name What does this person do? – 3 main ideas What does this person do? – 3 main ideas Education needed Education needed Salary Salary Job outlook Job outlook
Future Career Area #2 Career name Career name What does this person do? – 3 main ideas What does this person do? – 3 main ideas Education needed Education needed Salary Salary Job outlook Job outlook
Future Career Area #3 Career name Career name What does this person do? – 3 main ideas What does this person do? – 3 main ideas Education needed Education needed Salary Salary Job outlook Job outlook
My High School Transcript Global Statement Current Classes Current Classes Program of Study: CP or TP Program of Study: CP or TP GPA Class Rank Test Scores: SAT/ACT/HSAP
Present Levels of Performance Curriculum Based Assessments Current Classes Current Classes Program of Study: CP or TP Program of Study: CP or TP GPA Class Rank Test Scores: SAT/ACT/HSAP
Accommodations CLASSROOM CLASSROOM List her the accommodations from your IEP that you find helpful. List her the accommodations from your IEP that you find helpful. List strategies you have learned in this class that are helpful List strategies you have learned in this class that are helpful STATE TESTING
Self Advocacy In High School List steps to self-advocate (SHARE) S H A R E I know my disability and my strengths I know how to ask for accommodations I understand the IEP process and participate in the meetings
SERVICES Services I receive: Services I receive: Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
Reality Check Based on this information, Based on this information, After High School, I will _______________________________ _______________________________.
My disability after high school Section 504 Section 504 Differences between high school and college/ workplace
GOAL SETTING SMART Strategy: SMART Strategy: List the steps here and be able to explain them List the steps here and be able to explain them Examples of goals from this year….report on your progress toward the goals in your current IEP
Transition Goals 3 Things I need to do next school year 3 Things I need to do next school year
Related Service Goals (optional) 3 Things that I need to do NEXT year 3 Things that I need to do NEXT year
Academic Goals 3 Things I need to achieve next year (reading, writing and/or math) 3 Things I need to achieve next year (reading, writing and/or math)
Academic Goals 3 things to do next year 3 things to do next year