Welcome to the Fourth Grade Curriculum Night
The Fourth Grade Team Mrs. Christian Mr. Permenter Mrs. Hrebenar Mrs. Allen (Mrs. Johnson) Ms. Adkison Mrs. Sonnier Ms. Romero
English Language Arts
Spelling lists concentrate on a spelling pattern. On Monday, they copy the list down in their planners (Please check your child’s spelling words to make sure they are spelled correctly). We play spelling games during the week, and the test is on Friday unless it is a short week. *The spelling menu in the D.O.T. folder are ideas you can use at home to study for spelling tests each week.
Word Study
For word study, we will work on learning spelling patterns, expanding vocabulary for use in both reading and writing, and improving usage (grammar) in writing.
In 4th grade, we teach reading by theme via independent study, genre studies and reader’s workshop. Some of the genres we’ll study this year are biography, realistic fiction, fantasy, historical fiction, poetry, and drama. We use mini-lessons to guide readers and to help them develop reading strategies. Our emphasis is on “reading to learn” as opposed to “learning to read.”
Fourth graders are assessed by the state on their writing skills. Students must be able to edit passages for errors in punctuation, grammar, and spelling. In addition, they are required to show mastery of writing skills by creating a one-page personal narrative essay and a one-page expository essay. These compositions must provide evidence of understanding of such basic writing skills as ideas, organization, appropriate word choice, voice, sentence fluency, conventions, and presentation. To practice their writing skills, students participate in many writing projects. Sometimes, they work on isolated skills, such as learning how to write compelling introductions. Other times, they practice the entire writing process, from pre-writing to publishing.
Warm-Ups Math 4 Today/Math Facts – test every Friday pertaining to work done during the week. Everyday Counts, Target the Question Problem Solving by Randall Charles & Creative Publications Guided Math 3 times a week TEKS Covered Place Value to Hundred Millions with decimals up to hundredths Double Digit Multiplication Long Division Fractions – Equivalent and reducing it to lowest form Geometry Measurement Problem Solving covered throughout the year.
Social Studies
History: Texas Indians; European Explorers; Early Texas Settlers; Texas Missions; and the Texas Revolution. Geography: Interpreting a map, Describing distinct features of the different regions of Texas; understanding the migration of different groups of people over time in Texas. Economics: Understanding basic economic patterns of our society and that of the past; surplus, producer/consumer, and free enterprise. Government: Understanding how different groups of people organize their government in both early and present day Texas; citizenship and the democratic process.
Scientific Method Purpose, Hypothesis, Research, Experiment, Analysis, and Conclusion. We also cover scientific tools and safety. Earth Science Properties of soil; natural Resources and conservation; the water cycle and weather patterns; the Earth, moon, and sun relationships; and changes to the Earth’s surface. Physical Science Forms of energy; physical properties of matter and mixtures/solutions; forces and motion Life Science Characteristics of animals and their adaptations; ecosystems
Things to Remember
Planner filled in on Mondays: You must sign your child’s planner. Important papers go home throughout the week. Please sign the chart to acknowledge that you have received the papers in your child’s folder each week. – BEST way to communicate. Change in dismissal—must or call front office or bring in note at the beginning of the school day. Dress code- No spaghetti straps or shorts shorter than fingertips on legs. Rainy Day Dismissal: You must give written permission if you allow your child to walk or bike home when it is raining, lightning, or thundering. If you do not give written permission, your child will be sent to the car rider line. LATE WORK POLICIES CAN BE FOUND ONLINE IN THE WSE STUDENT HANDBOOK.
Absences: You have two days to submit an excuse for your child’s absence (via or handwritten note). Volunteering: On the FBISD website, you must fill out a criminal background check in order to volunteer or chaperone field trips. Field Trip on October 16 to George Ranch. Please try to schedule doctor/dentist appointments for after school whenever possible! STAAR Testing Dates - Writing – April 1 and 2, 2014: TWO DAYS Math - April 22, 2014 Reading - April 23, 2014 Choir starts TBA per Mrs. Martin
Safe and Secure Schools You must sign in at the front desk to receive a sticker that identifies the area in which you are authorized to visit or volunteer. Please sign out when you leave.
If you would like more information on the fourth grade curriculum, you can access it at the Texas Education Agency’s website or on the FBISD website