WELCOME October 30, 2014: Timely Mathematics Interventions (TMI) Grant Sponsor: Kentucky Department of Education(KDE) Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Funds Facilitated by: PIMSER-UK College of Ed, Kentucky Center for Mathematics, UK Mathematics Department Please help yourself to some refreshments and get focused for our day of learning. We will begin promptly at 9:01 a.m.
Timely Mathematics Intervention (TMI) Timeline: February September 2015 Overarching Goal: 1.To develop a deep understanding of strategies and tools used for Tier I intervention (majority of students) at the classroom level. 2.To develop a deep understanding of number as it relates to success in Algebra.
Community of Practice—making meaning to improve our mathematics classroom practice Tweet #PIMSERTMI FACILITATORS Kim Zeidler-Watters, PIMSER, Director Dr. Carl Lee, Dept. of Mathematics, UK Pam Harned, PIMSER Regional Teacher Partner Jill Parker, Kentucky Center for Mathematics Jamie-Marie Miller, Lincoln MS and PIMSER Regional Teacher Partner
Talk Partners for Today Caitlyn
TMI in Rewind…September Meeting Worked on examples of CRA’s with Mini Math Challenges (ie. The Shape of Things) Discussed the importance of clearly written tasks (ie. T- Time Baby) Observed the instructional routine Silent Teaching with the number line and algebraic rhythm examples Observed the CRA Tuning Protocol through a fish bowl activity
Homework for October Bring a copy of your CRA for tuning protocol Work on Silent Teaching lesson…bring example of your lesson SEE YOU ON October 30 th !! We appreciate your participation today!!
Today’s Math Tricks and Treats CRA with Building Blocks Silent Teaching Debriefing and Creation and Refinement Interactive Review Strategy “Flyswatter” CRA Feedback Session
Our Learning Powers… BE CURIOUSCONCENTRATE Ask questionsManage distractions Notice thingsGet lost in the task Look for patterns and connectionsDo one thing at a time Think of possible reasonsBreak things down ResearchPlan and think it through Ask “What If…”Draw diagrams, jot down thoughts or thinks to help you think
PGES Connection Today’s Focus!!! Domain 3—Instruction Component 3B: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Component 3C: Engaging Students in Learning
Mini Math Challenge UnBLOCKing Your Algebraic Difficulties
UnBLOCKing Reflection Questions How did this activity utilize the CRA model? What key vocabulary and concepts were reinforced with this activity?
Kim’s Portion over Seamus Video The range and mode video clip. We didn’t develop any learning targets for this portion of the day. Do we need to do so?
October Learning Targets Silent Teaching As a teacher, I am learning to… Compare and contrast examples of silent teaching Explain the attributes of an effective silent teaching example Create or refine an example of a silent teaching lesson
Silent Teaching The Power of Exponents
If silence is golden…what makes Silent Teaching successful? Individually respond to the following: List attributes that good silent teaching lessons possess Describe any pitfalls to avoid when creating/employing a silent teaching lesson Next Step…. Reflect on a silent teaching lesson that you have used with your class. Refine the lesson based on our conversation and write the lesson down!
Thanks so much! We visited 25 TMI classrooms in September and October! RegularResource Co-Taught RtI/Intervention
Some things to celebrate!! Evidence of TMI Strategies We Saw: Growth Mindset (10) Learning Powers (7) Talk Partners (9) Power Groups—Bell Co. (4) Random Selection of Students(2) Number Lines (4) CRA (4) Silent Teaching (3)
FLYSWATTER Purpose: A review strategy for building fluency in equivalencies and vocabulary How To… Divide the class into two teams and provide each team with a flyswatter. Place the Flyswatter game board under your document camera and project on a wall or board (NOT on a smart board). Begin asking questions. First team to swat the correct answer on the board wins a point. Team with the most points is declared the winner!
October Learning Targets Concrete-Representational-Abstract CRA As a teacher, I am learning to… Receive and provide feedback on a CRA activity Strengthen my CRA through peer feedback
CRA FEEDBACK TIME!!! An old African adage says that it takes a village to raise a child. Well it takes a village of teachers (learning community) to create sound curriculum.
Feedback Groups Group #1 Group #2 Group #3 Group #4 Group #5 Rebecca Courtnie Maggie Essien Jonathan MacKensie Erin Pat Tracy Kellie Jake Justin Jeremy Charla Sarah Trey Sue Courtney David Stephanie Lizzie Kelly Jordan Mark James David Matt Caitlyn Debbie
What did you learn about your CRA in this tuning protocol? What are the benefits of a tuning protocol? Have you or could you use this in your PLC?
Take Home Mini Math Challenges For Your Students Checking out a Checkerboard Sixth and Seventh Grade Teachers Eighth and Ninth Grade Teachers All Teachers Garden Path
REFLECTION TIME Let’s take a moment and review the activities that we completed today. Add to or edit your reflection sheet.
REFLECTION TIME Using your reflection guide from today and your thoughts on the activities please complete How Did Today Shape Up?
HOMEWORK FOR NOVEMBER Thank you for participating today! See you on November 18 th