OBJECTIVE To implement systematic approach for achieving utmost safety & zero accidents.
Scope Welding / Gas Cutting. Working on height. Working in trenches / tanks / ducts. Construction activity. Electrical work like work in substations (132KV / 11 KV), power cable laying etc
RESPONSIBILITY Contractors undertaking above type of work. Department work involving company employees.
METHODOLOGY Work Permit System : It is an extension of a safe system of work and requires written permission before the particular job can start to avoid any accident. The system will be implemented department wise & following departments have been identified as implementing departments. The names of officials authorized to issue work permit are mentioned against each department
Sr. No.Department / AreaResponsibility 1Security OfficeMr. G. Shiregar 2Time OfficeMr. N. B. Jagtap 3132 KV Control RoomMr. D. B. Salunke 4132 KV Open YardMr. D. B. Salunke 5Fitting GodownMr. Satish Dalal 6Crate & PalateMr. Ganesh Mohan 7Petroleum A ClassMr. Satish Dalal 8LPG GodownMr. R. L. Mungad 9XF-1, XF-2Mr. Satpal Sing 10HMFMr. R. L. Mungad 11ROTOMr. V. K. Tiwari 12CanteenMr. N. B. Jagtap 13Jumbo Unloading, RMG-1, RMG-2 & RMG-3Mr. K. R. Patil KV panel room, 11 KV open yard, 11 KV LTPCC, DG Room Mr. D. B. Salunke 15Mixer 1 to 5Mr. A. R. Gawali
16Mixer 7 to 11Mr. A. R. Deshpande 17Extrusion Hall 1 to 3 Mr. N. M. Patil 18Extrusion Hall 4 & 5Mr. B. N. Gawali 19Extrusion Hall 7 & 8 Mr. Wagh 20Extrusion Hall 9 to 11Mr. P. T. Patil 21ThreadingMr. Lohar 22SocketingMr. Lohar 23GrinderMr. P. S. Patil 24Pipe YardMr. Laxaman Singh 25HDPEMr. P. B. Patnaik 26CivilMr. P S Surwade 27Engg. StoreMr. Jodha 28Engg. & UtilityMr. V. S. Patil 29QA / QCMr. D. J. Salunke
Work permit needs to be issued on day to day basis. The copies of work permit to be circulated are as under. Original copy to Contractors / Company Supervisor. This copy should be displayed on a board located in the vicinity of workplace. Duplicate copy to Security. Triplicate copy to be retained by issuing department.
It is also expected that workers who are working on the job are adequately educated on the safety aspects and their signatures should be obtained on the reverse side of work permit before commencing the work. Department heads should also get it confirmed from HR department whether all legal compliances are fulfilled by the contractors. Viz. Workmen Compensation Policy, Labor License etc
Following safety equipments is available at security office and the same can be got issued before starting the work. 1.Safety Helmet 2.Safety Goggles 3.Hand Gloves 4.Safety Belt 5.Portable fire Extinguisher The safety equipment should be returned back to Security Office at the end of the day. Security will maintain appropriate record of daily basis.
THE SUPREME INDUSTRIES LTD., GADEGAON WORK PERMIT Name of the Department: Issued by: Name:Issued to: Name: Designation: Date & Time of Issue: Validity Date:Time: From:To: Job Description: The following safety measures must be ensured to render this work permit valid. SNPrecautionYes/NoSN Personal Protective Equipment Required Yes/No 1 Electrical lockout / tagout (Permit No. …………….) 1Safety helmet 2Equipment Properly drained.2Safety goggles / Face shield 3Equipment Properly blinded..3Hand gloves 4Area is barricaded.4Safety belt 5Proper ventilation available.5Potable fire extinguisher 6 Proper scaffolding has been provided. 7Use of non sparking tools.
8Area operator informed. 9 Underground cable/ overhead wires taken into consideration. 10Workmen informed about hazards. 11Means of escape identified and available. 12 Fire protection equipment available and operational namely fire extinguisher, water /sand buckets. 13Caution / warning signs displayed. 14 Underground drawings reviewed before excavation. Copy to: (1) Original - Contractor / Company Employee; (2) Duplicate - Security; (3) Triplicate - Issuing Department Sign of Work Permit HolderSign of Issuing Authority
malaa kMpnaIt krto vaoLosa saurxaa saMbaQaIcao sava- inayama va kaLjaI samajaavaUna saaMigatlaolao Aaho. tsaoca saurxaa ]pkrNao vaaprNyaasaMbaQaI sava- maaihtI saaMigatlaolaI Aaho. to sava- inayama paLNyaacaI maaJaI jabaabadarI Aaho. va tI maI puNa- krona. tsaoca JaalyaanatMr %yaa jaagaovarcaI svacCta karNyacaI maaJaI jabaabadarI Aaho. Ë.kamagaaraMcao naava sahIË.kamagaaraMcao naava sahI