Welcome Parents!! Mr. Betz’s 1 st Grade Class
Get Ready for 1 st Grade! What you can expect: More Responsibility More Challenging Work Higher Expectations More Fun!!
Meet Mr. Betz This is my 6 th year teaching at Tarhe Elementary I live in Pataskala with my wife Amanda, my sons Aiden and Emerson and our two dogs I am a huge Buckeye fan, I love reading, drawing and spending time with my family
Our Schedule Monday = Tuesday = Wednesday = Thursday = Friday = We eat lunch everyday at 12:10 Gym Computer/Library Music Gym Music
Our behavior plan Every student starts on Green every day Students will be told to “clip down” for not following school or class expectations Students will have an opportunity to “clip up” for positive behavior Every student at Tarhe will be using this clip chart management plan
Get caught doing the right thing! Everyone starts the day with their clip on Green At the end of the day I will randomly select 4 students. If you are picked you will receive a reward according to what color your clip is on at the end of the day. The higher you go the better the prize, so always do you best!
Parties and snacks We have Fall, Winter, Valentines and end of the year parties I send home sign up sheet for parties, if interested, adult signs up for food, or non- food item then sends slip back in, if you are interested in volunteering for a party please make a note on the return slip, I will notify you if I need your help I send home new slip with item and amount to send in If interested in bringing birthday treats please send note at least 2 days before asking if time is available, I will send response detailing what day and time would be best, please send in healthy snacks. We are teaching healthy eating habits. Also due to school policy, any birthday treats must be dropped off in the office, parents are not permitted to the classrooms to hand out the treats.
Homework Every Monday night student is responsible for practicing their entire set of flashcards with adult, then adult signs math log(separate note is acceptable). During the beginning of the year, Tuesday through Thursday the student will receive math worksheet to complete Every night Monday-Thursday student reads given baggy book to adult, student fills out log entry, then parent signs the log Students may choose to complete spelling test on if you receive 100% bring in parent note or certificate and receive reward, once per weekwww.spellingcity.com No Homework on weekends or holidays, enjoy!
Basic math facts are the building blocks that will later be used to complete more complex math Frequent math practice helps to build math fluency. Fluency: able to solve/recall answer within 3 seconds When your student becomes fluent with their math facts they will become more confident and comfortable Why is the Baggy Math so important?
Read, Read, Read!!!!! It is very important to help your student practice their reading nightly They will receive a new book that is geared to their specific reading level every night (Monday-Thursday). Your student is to read this book to you, then complete a journal entry in their reading log. Parent or guardian signs upon completion This practice is essential to help your student’s reading to grow and progress. Reading helps to develop vocabulary and comprehension skills that will be essential to future success
Our Morning Routine What you should do when you come in every morning: Hang up your backpack/belongings on your hook Put homework on desk Turn in any letters from home in designated area(students are responsible for this, they are reminded daily) Go to your seat quickly and quietly Put your signed baggy math log on your desk to be checked Begin working on your morning work, or get ready for special When I finish my morning work what can I do? Leave finished morning work on your desk for Mr. Betz to check Make silent choice (read a book from the class library silently at your seat)Mr. Betz begins to check the answers to morning work
End of the Day Routine What we will do…… Put any pencils that need sharpened on desk Clear any other materials off of or underneath desk, no papers in desk Mr. Betz will go over Homework on board, ask any questions You will be dismissed by the teacher to get your belongings and mail Take things to seat. Wait in seat until dismissed to line up Mr. Betz will pull 4 sticks, if students have not flipped their cards they may pick reward based on the color that their clip is on Put up chair(when dismissed) and line up
Questions?? Check out my website for a copy of this PowerPoint, many important links to class information, extra learning practice and enrichment opportunities: Mr Betz's website me at Send in a letter with your child