What Happened To Praxis I ETS changed Praxis I to Praxis Core Praxis Core will start October 2013 Praxis I expires June 2014 If you are starting tests for the first time, take Praxis Core Codes and Scores have changed!
Where to find Praxis Core Information ETS Website Praxis Flyer Education Office SOE Bulletin Boards
Things You Need To Know Test Dates/Deadlines Fees Types of Tests Codes for Tests How to Register for a Test Receiving Scores
Parts of Praxis Core Reading: Multiple Choice Writing: Multiple Choice and Essay Question Mathematics: Multiple Choice
When to Take the Praxis Core NOW! Before completing EDUC 190/191/305 All three parts of the test must be passed in order to be admitted to the Professional Education Program!
The Only Way To Take Praxis Core Computer tests: year-round by appointment (You may take it once every 30 days) Can only register online. There are testing center located all over SC. Debit/Credit Card is needed.
Computer Test Test CodeDurationFee Praxis Core: Reading hour$85 Praxis Core: Writing hour$85 Praxis Core: Mathematics hour$85 Praxis Core: Combined Test 5751 (All 3 Parts) 5 hours$135 Praxis Core: Combined Test 5751 (Any 2 Parts) 3 hours$125
South Carolina Test Requirements Take This Test(s): Test Code: Praxis Core: Reading (computer) 5712 Praxis Core: Writing (computer) 5722 Praxis Core: Mathematics (computer) 5732
Praxis Core Scores Computer Tests: Reading- Code 5712 Score 156 Writing- Code 5722Score 162 Math- Code 5732 Score 150
Candidate ID Number The first time that you register ETS assigns you a Candidate ID number. Use this ID each time that you register for a test; it will keep all your test information together. Make a folder to keep all your Praxis information in.
What to do Before the Test When you register and set up your account, be sure to put down FMU as a recipient of test scores in order for us to receive a copy and ensure your admittance to the program. Download Tests at a Glance for sample questions free to you.Tests at a Glance Online Study Guides and Practice Tests are available for purchase. Mrs. Watts has books that can be checked out!
What to do After the Test Be sure to have an account: Go to the Scores section online and complete the information. Access your score reports through your online account. Paper score reports will not be mailed. Scores are accessible for 300 days. Download or print your report for your records. We do not accept scores verbally; we must see an official copy from ETS.
Exempting Praxis Core ACT score of 24 or higher SAT, Verbal and Math, score of 1100 or higher SAT, Verbal/Math/Writing, score of 1650 or higher If you think you have the proper score for exemption, make sure to stop by the SOE office and notify Mrs. Watts!