GWS SMS INTRODUCTION Health & Safety Manual
4.3 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGS Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer and 2nd Engineer form the Management Committee. Other officers may be invited to join at Master’s discretion. Frequency: At least one meeting must be held in a month.
5.1.2 Health & Safety Guidelines Permits are established for controlling under mentioned activities: Enclosed space entry permit F-S-0449 Hot work permit F-S-0450 A/B/C Cold work permit F-S-0457 Electrical isolation permit F-S-0456 Work on pressure vessels F-S-0458 Working aloft F-S-0453 Working over side F-S-0455 Small crafts alongside F-S-0451 Work with Asbestos F-S-0459 Underwater Diver operation F-S-0462
5.2 HOTWORK PROCEDURES HOTWORK SHOULD ONLY BE CONSIDERED IF THERE ARE NO PRACTICAL ALTERNATIVE MEANS OF REPAIR. Planning and Risk Assessment is carried out diligently. Advising the office regarding the intended hotwork and forwarding the appropriate documents and plan Issuing hotwork permit. Ensuring that correct procedures are understood and followed by all concerned
5.4 Entry Into Enclosed Spaces Control the entry of personnel into an ‘Enclosed Space’ which has: Limited openings for entry and exit. Unfavourable natural ventilation. Not been designed for continuous worker occupancy. Enclosed spaces include, but are not limited to, cargo spaces, double bottoms, fuel tanks, ballast tanks, pump rooms, compressor rooms, cofferdams, void spaces, duct keels, inter-barrier spaces, engine crankcases and sewage tanks. All enclosed spaces must be considered unsafe for entry until proven otherwise.
5.6 Important Aspects of Electrical Equipment Isolation & Maintenance The knowledge of how to immediately isolate appropriate circuits. How to remove a person in contact with a live circuit using rubber gloves and non-conductive ropes or devices. Knowledge and willingness to initiate Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation.
6.1 Personal Protective Equipment When working: Safety Helmets Safety Boots / Shoes Coveralls / Boiler suits Gloves Buoyancy Aids Safety Harness Safety Goggles Visor Ear Defenders Chemical Suits EEBD On Deck (Normal Condition) RRROGGOOOGG On Deck (Bad Weather) RRROOROOOGG Machinery Space RRROGGOORGG Mooring Operations RRRRGGOGOGG Anchoring Operations RRRRGGRGOGG Cargo Operations RRRRGGOGGGG Crane Operations RRRRGGOGGGG Wire Handling RRRRGGOGGGG Lifeboats (Launching) RRRRROGGGGG Lifeboats on Davits RRRRORGGGGG Working Overside RRRRRROGGGG Working aloft RRROGROGGGG De-scaling RRRGRGRGRGG Painting / Greasing RRRRGOROGGG Cleaning of equipment RRRRGGOOGOG Chemicals RRRRGGGRGOG Welding RRRRGGGRGGG Power Tools RRRRGGROOGG Abrasive Wheels RRRRGGROOGG Electrical Equipment RRROGGGGGGG Hydraulic Equipment RRRGGGROGGG Picking up stores RRRRGGOGGGG Dry-dock (Walking) RRRRGGRGOGG Enclosed space RRRRGGOGOGO Launch Transfer GGGGROGGGGG
7.07 Handling Of Chemicals & Liquefied Gases Material Safety Data Sheets (preferably laminated) should be available near the place where the chemicals are stored and handled. A copy of all material safety data sheets should be available with the Chief Engineer / Chief Officer. The list shall be reviewed annually to ensure that all relevant sheets for chemicals on board are valid, and being maintained in file, and this should be included in the Master’s Review.
8.06 Handling Asbestos Company recognises the occupational health hazards associated with asbestos and does not allow the use of asbestos on board. Additionally, Please refer to form F-S-0459.
9.01 Helicopter Operations Please refer to checklist:- F-S-0463 Helicopter Operations Checklist