The questions... What if common periodic assessments were available for use in multiple districts across the state? How would this help schools? How would this improve student performance?
Assumptions: Access and analysis of quality data can impact teacher decisions and improve student performance Common, periodic assessments are necessary Modifying existing assessment in the modules to provide “on–demand” assessments (vs. project based assessments) will provide an efficient way to complete the task and still preserve integrity to the rubric
REQUIRED ACTIONS MODIFY THE ASSESSMENTS: CC experts from the BOCES collaborate to modify the assessments DISTRICTS ADMINISTER ASSESSMENTS. Data is collected at district level, regional level, “state” level Districts collaborate within BOCES region to: Ensure inter-rater agreement of scoring extended responses Analyze data Develop action plans for improvement BOCES partners will compare “what is learned” and create strategies for what is next.
Project status: Creating the assessments 21 BOCES sent staff to participate in the development of the assessments used in the first modules
What did we learn? GREAT TEAMWORK! ALL REPORTED LEARNING A LOT ABOUT THE MODULES! Modifications were more complex than we expected and took longer to do. Exemplars were often not completed Designing quality questions with distractors that truly measure learning and error patterns is very difficult. The lack of available modules for math continues to “slow down” the work. Even with multiple “eyes” on the tests we still had errors The lack of common software is a problem for data collection Data collection is primitive
Continued.. Creating assessments Math assessment schedule has challenges; 2 nd assessments still in review “Virtual” creation and editing of assessments, while convenient, has not resulted in sufficient participation.
First round of assessments... Very limited participation in our region for the first “round” in math (4-6 districts) More for ELA (6-8) “State” participation for Math BT, DCMO (one district), HFM “State” participation for ELA BT, DCMO (one district), Erie 1, HFM
HOWEVER... We expect MORE districts, both in our region, and across the state, in Dec. and January!
BTBOCES DDI HOME RUN! Included: Data analysis Error analysis ACTION PLANNING! Inter-rater agreement of extended responses
DATA ANALYSIS AND ACTION PLAN FORM Math Grade 3, Module 1 Item # Stand ard State % Correct Regional % Correct School % Correct Student Mistake: What Happened & What Caused Students to Make the Mistake? Instructional Strategies (in class, homework, etc.) Resources to Support Instructional Strategies How Standards are Addressed in the Next and/or Future Module(s) Pre-Populated Broome-Tioga BOCES DDI form...
What did we learn? Even a half day wasn’t enough time! Teachers shared, were very thoughtful Districts said, that this process improved their local PLC work Exemplars for the exams could come from the inter-rater agreement work.
The data system PRIMATIVE We are collaborating with WNYRIC and Lower Hudson to test other models.
What is next? The MATH group will reconvene in Binghamton on Dec a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and Dec 17 8:00 a.m. – noon The ELA group will reconvene in Binghamton on Dec a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and Dec 19 8:00 a.m. – noon
After this year?
SPECIAL THANKS!!!!!! All of the tireless, dedicated professional developers who have added this to their list of things to do! We are honored to join in this work!