Case 3 30 year old woman Visiting friend from out of province. Found deceased in bed Some ethanol ingestion, but no drug use, reported evening prior History of hypertension, no medications
At autopsy: – Cardiomegaly (550 grams) and left ventricular hypertrophy (2.0 cm) – Arteriolonephrosclerosis
Case 4 6 year old boy Presented to hospital with 2 hours of vomiting Vtach and hypotension during investigations, cardiac arrest One week history occasional headaches and two day history intermittent chest pain No known medical or family history
Chromogranin Inhibin Synaptophysin S100
Case 5 23 day old infant female Presented with abnormal respirations and became unresponsive Transported to IWK, never regained consciousness Approximately 8 hours presentation to death Normal pregnancy and delivery, previously healthy
At autopsy: – Well nourished and normally developed – No injuries – Subarachnoid staining, vascular congestion and petechial hemorrhages, markedly friable parenchyma
Neuropathology consultation: – Purulent exudate parieto-occipital region – Perivascular cuffing monocytes and neutrophils, focal endothelialitis – Gram positive cocci, not paired Blood culture (post mortem): – Streptococcus agalactiae, no other growth
Mother GBS positive on prenatal screening No antibiotics given at delivery
Case 6 32 year old woman Witnessed sudden collapse No known medical history