GROUP NO-3 Analysis of Baseline Study of “e-District Mission Mode Project 2010” Pravin KolheP. Ashok KumarOwais Shaikh Naresh Kumar BairwaEnadi NarasimhaMohit Mishra Sanjay Singh Executive Post Graduate Programme in e-Governance, IIM Indore
Content 1. Introduction to Baseline Study. 2. Research Methodology 3. Baseline Performance 4. Limitations 5. Conclusion 6. Exhibits
Introduction to Baseline Study Baseline study was performed to provide useful insights on current manual delivery of services. Further, the objective of baseline study is to measure performance of manual delivery of key services in some states on parameters such as, number of trips, waiting time for each trip, elapsed time and proportion of bribe paid in availing this service. It also tells about the services which are very important to citizens. It was done by interviewing some of the citizens on their past experience with current manual system.
Key Findings Attributes relating to governance, such as accountability of officers and corruption in the working of the system are seen to be important across all states and services. Location of offices where services are delivered is seen to be important for most of the services. Income and caste certificate services needed highest in MP while for employment certificate services needed only in TN state.
Flow Chart for Survey done during Baseline Study Click Here for Flow Chart
Research Methodology The assessment was carried out in five states (MP, MS, UP, TN and WB) involving nearly 400 respondents by having a feedback from citizens. After receiving feedback, services which are very important to citizens were indentified. Steps were taken to digitize those services which are being availed the most. A qualitative study of two recently computerized districts in UP indicated the need for making CSCs the primary mode of service delivery
Baseline Performance Once the e-District MMP got implemented in one of the pilot districts, its impact was assessed by conducting similar structured survey which was done earlier. Sample size of the survey was same taken similar as earlier. Assessment was done on key indicators like number of trips, waiting time for each trip, elapsed time and proportion of bribe. Results depicted, that digitization had no impact on some of the indicators say for example number of trips were the same as earlier, while some of the indicators got improved but in some states only.
Profiles of pilot states Fig.1
Analysis For the mentioned study, 5 states were selected and from each states some districts, tehsils and villages were selected. From each of above mentioned components respondents were selected for survey. The chart shows the representation of sample taken from each component. The scale used in the chart is Logarithmic for entire data representation.
Reasons for Multiple Trips Fig.2
Analysis Number of trips was one of the key indicator which was identified in current manual delivery system. Above chart depicts the reasons due to which trips were made to respective administrative unit. The chart shows that maximum number of trips were made for the reason of absence of functionary in every state.
Service Used Fig.3
Analysis Above graph shows types of services which were availed most of the time by citizens. From the graph we can make out, issuing of ration card is done by most of the citizens in all states while one of the service is being used highly in one state whereas its negligible in other state.(e.g. Caste certificate for state of Maharashtra and TamilNadu)
Location of Office Fig.4
Analysis Tehsildar office is most widely used by citizens then comes the village unit and last district level unit.
Age Wise Percentage of Respondents Fig.5
Analysis In baseline study a survey was conduced in which nearly 400 people were interviewed to know their feedback of current manual delivery system. Graph shows the age-group which turned out during questionnaire. As age group less than 14 was negligible we have plotted data on logarithmic scale so that it gets highlighted.
Fig.6 Gender Wise Percentage of Respondents
Graph shows percentage of male and female in the questionnaire session. Male participation was higher. Analysis
Fig.7 Education Wise Percentage of Respondents
Educational qualification of the respondent was also checked. Highest number of illiterate participated in state of TamilNadu The most important respondent belong to School education level. Analysis
Fig.8 Occupation Wise Percentage of Respondents
Chart depicts worker were highest contributor in the survey. Analysis
Fig.9 Resident Wise Percentage of Respondents
Permanent householder participated more in the survey. Analysis
Fig.10 Number of Trips and Total Waiting Time
Table providing information on key indicators was divided into two tables namely No. of Trips & Total Waiting Time, Elapsed Time & Proportion of Paying Bribes. Above chart depicts number of trips made for income and caste certificate are highest in MP while for employment certificate there is only TN state. Total waiting time for getting caste certificate, income certificate and ration card is high in MH. Analysis
Fig.11 Elapsed Time (Days) & Proportion of Paying Brides
Both Fig.10 & 11 are related as types of services which are availed most in the respective states are delayed most and proportion of paying bribes is higher in those cases. Graph depicts estimated time taken and proportion of paying bribes while availing types of services. Analysis
Fig.12 Proportion of Using Intermediaries
Graph depicts proportion of using middleman while availing services. Analysis
Though the sample size of 400 was adequate for estimating values for different indicators of performance for the entire pool of sample districts in a state, when the sample was broken down by services, for some services the numbers of sampled respondents were less than adequate. In the case of UP where e-district had already been implemented, finding adequate number of users of manually delivered services had posed a problem. Because of the sensitivity of certain questions, it was difficult to elicit data on bribery from all the respondents in some states, particularly if agents were used. Limitations
From the report, important tables were sorted and plotted by a graph to convey the message more precisely. Graph depicted more meaningful message than tables in report. The primary objective of the e-District project was to enable service delivery by the district administration to citizens in an efficient and transparent manner The project aims to do this by integrating the functioning of the key units of the district administration, automating the workflow digitizing data, and delivering the citizen centric services of the district administration through Citizen Service Centers (CSCs) After the implementation of the project in pilot districts, its performance was assessed on key indicators which were identified earlier It improvised some key indicators in some states whereas it didn’t impacted few of them in one or two states. Conclusion
Refer Fig.2 Exhibits
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