December 8, 2014 Milestone Videos GreatKids
The X Show Success. Guide Achievement. See children demonstrate the standards. Receive tips on key things to look for and how to improve.
Product Overview Using teachers and students, Milestones videos show parents what children should demonstrate in order to achieve grade level standards in critical skills like reading, writing, and math. Every video ends with tips for parents on how to help their child succeed. Additionally, at after each video parents will be presented with additional resources to help guide their child’s success. Currently there are more than 60 one to three minute long videos covering Kindergarten thru 5th grade.
●Easy: Watch what children should sound like and demonstrate in order to achieve grade level standards in critical skills. ●Clear: Simple tips on how to know if your child is on track. ●Accessible: The videos are rooted in Universal Design principles and are available in English and Spanish on any device or platform. Consumer Benefits
Target Audience ●Primary ○Parents ○Teachers ●Secondary ○Education Organizations ○Parent Influencers ○Principals ○Tutors ○Students
Positioning Statement For parents of K-5 grade students, Milestones videos are the only tools that show parents what children should be able to do in order to achieve grade level standards in critical skills like reading, writing, and math.
Key Messages To Parents: Understand how to achieve grade level standards. Get clear direction on how to improve. It’s not as complicated as you may think. To Teachers: Accessible & free parent-friendly resource you can share with parents to help them understand grade level standards. Informed parents are happier and more supportive parents.
Timeline Nov. Dec. Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr. May Launch Milestones Pre-Launch Content Creation: New Materials and Curation Q2 Milestones Campaign Continue Gathering Feedback, and Refine Messaging as Needed - Think Agile. Post Launch Pre-Launch: Develop Outreach lists(mom bloggers, ed influencers, etc..
Product Descriptions (WIP Not Final) 10 word: Milestone videos show what reading, writing and math look like, grade by grade. 50 word: Created by GreatSchools, Milestone videos help parents see what reading, writing and math look like at different stages in their children’s education. These short, accessible videos are the cornerstone of GreatSchools’ mission to help parents get the best education possible for their children. 100 word: Parents want to help their children succeed but sometimes they don’t know which questions to ask. GreatSchools’ new Milestone videos provide parents with both questions and answers. “Can my first grader figure out the meaning of new words?” “Can my second grader research and discuss a topic?” "Can my fifth grader estimate the answer to word problems?” Milestone videos show parents exactly what mastery of key reading, writing, and math skills look like, grade by grade. Parents are the foundation of their children’s educational success. Milestone videos will help them set high expectations and inspire their children to meet them. 140 character: Watch Milestone videos and see what great learning looks like: LINK #greatkids
Competitive Analysis Parent Resources to help understanding of Common Core Standards Success Factors Parenttookit PBS KidsCoreStandards.orgParenting.comGreatSchool:Milestone Videos 1 - Brand Recognition Ease of use Quality of content Product innovation53333 Totals
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Parents in the U.S. ●Median Income $64,585 ●38.5 million families with under 18 children in U.S. ●40% kids live in single parent home ●Average age of parents with kindergartener: 31 years old