McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Criminal Investigation Criminal Investigation Swanson Chamelin Territo eighth edition NINE Injury and Death Investigation
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe the four motivational models for classification of homicide Identify the investigator's responsibilities when responding to the scene o suspected homicide or assault Comprehend the importance of personal identification of a victim in a homicide investigation Outline the major elements in a search for buried bodies Understand the individual observations used collectively to determine the time of death Discuss the five most common types of wounds encountered in injury and death investigations Assess information used by investigators to distinguish between a homicide and suicide Outline facts that need to be determined in the investigation of fire deaths Define stalking and identify common categories of stalking Describe what items are needed for a psychological profile 9-1
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. HOMICIDES Excusable Homicide: The difference between justifiable homicide in that one who commits an excusable homicide is at some degree at fault but the degree of fault is not enough to constitute a criminal homicide. Felonious Homicide: Treated and punished as crimes and typically fall into two categories: murder and manslaughter. Justifiable Homicide: The necessary killing of another person in the performance of a legal duty or the exercise of a legal right when the slayer was not at fault. 9-2
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. MOTIVATIONAL MODELS FOR CLASSIFICATION OF HOMICIDE Criminal Enterprise Homicide –Criminal enterprise homicide entails murder committed for material gain Personal-Cause Homicide –Personal-cause homicide is motivated by a personal cause and ensues from interpersonal aggression 9-3(a)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. MOTIVATIONAL MODELS FOR CLASSIFICATION OF HOMICIDE (cont'd) Sexual Homicide –A sexual element (activity) is the basis for the sequence of acts leading to death Group-Cause Homicide –Two or more people with a common ideology sanction as act, committed by one or more of the group's members, that results in death 9-3(b)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. RESPONDING TO THE HOMICIDE SCENE When responding the investigators should: –proceed with deliberation not reckless speed –be observant for a fleeing suspect –be suspicious of vehicles leaving the scene –be alert to an individual trying to hide 9-4
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. INVESTIGATOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES UPON ARRIVAL AT THAT SCENE OF A HOMICIDE Scene safety –Determining scene safety for all investigative personnel is essential to the investigate process Confirm or pronounce death –Appropriate medically trained personnel must make a determination of death prior to the initiation of the death investigation 9-5(a)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. INVESTIGATOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES UPON ARRIVAL AT THAT SCENE OF A HOMICIDE (cont'd) Participate in scene briefing with attending agency representatives –Scene investigators must recognize the varying jurisdictional and statutory responsibilities that apply to individual agency representatives Conduct a scene walk-through –Conducting a scene “walk-through” provides the investigator with an overview of the entire scene 9-5(b)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. IDENTIFICATION OF THE DEAD PERSON Personal identification of the dead person is important because: –Delay in doing so complicates the investigation –Delay makes it difficult to focus the investigation –Delay makes it difficult to understand who would benefit by the death 9-6
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. THE SEARCH FOR BURIED BODIES Preplanning –One important facet of major case investigations is administrative preplanning, an area that is frequently and unfortunately neglected Discovery –Many buried bodies come to light accidentally. Occasionally, information is received that a body is buried at a particular location; these cases will be considered later Excavation –The surface of the grave should now be carefully cleared of extraneous material 9-7(a)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. THE SEARCH FOR BURIED BODIES (cont'd) The Body –When the body is uncovered and has tissue remaining on it, the forensic pathologist may make an on-scene cursory examination Search for a Buried Body –In some cases, information is received through an informant, a citizen, or a confession that a body has been buried, and an approximate location is given Use of Cadaver Dogs –Dogs have been used in a variety of forensic contexts because of their superior sense of smell 9-7(b)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. SKETCH IDENTIFICATION To reconstruct and identify bodies police may be assisted by: –physical anthropologists –police artists –local/national media 9-8 (Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. EXCAVATION SITE Before excavating the body investigators should: –photograph the burial site –have maps made to show both plane and elevation views –and to tie in items found by both horizontal location and depth 9-9 (Source: Courtesy Federal Bureau of Investigation)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. CADAVER DOG Cadaver dogs when properly trained can: –detect buried bodies –find submerged bodies 9-10 (Courtesy Bob Westenhouser Tampa Tribune)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. INDIVIDUAL OBSERVATIONS USED TO ESTIMATE TIME OF DEATH When used together the following individual observations of a body may be used to estimate the time of death –body temperature –rigor mortis –livor mortis –decomposition changes –stomach contents 9-11
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. EVIDENCE FROM WOUNDS Firearm Wounds –When a bullet strikes a body, the skin is first pushed in and then perforated while in the stretched state Firearm residues –Detecting firearm residues on the hands of an individual may be of great importance in evaluating deaths due to gunshot wounds 9-12(a)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. EVIDENCE FROM WOUNDS (cont'd) Incised and Stab Wounds Puncture Wounds Lacerations –In an assault these wounds are caused by clubs, pipes, pistols, or other such blunt objects 9-12(b)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. EVIDENCE FROM WOUNDS (cont'd) Defense Wounds –Defense wound are suffered by victims attempting to protect themselves from an assault, often by a knife or club Strangulation Wounds –Ligature strangulation. The pressure on the neck is applied by a constricting band that is tightened by a force other than the body –Manual strangulation. Pressure of the hand, forearm, or other limb against the neck, compressing the internal structures of the neck 9-12(c)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. A BULLET PENETRATING THE SKIN When a bullet penetrates the skin: –the skin is pressed inward –the skin is stretched and perforated –the skin then returns to its original position 9-13 (Source: Barry A. J. Fisher, Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation, © 1992, reproduced with permission of copyright owner, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. CONTACT BULLET WOUND Contact shots against an exposed part of the body drive soot, metallic particles and powder into the body These materials may be recovered during the autopsy 9-14 (Courtesy Santa Ana, California, Police Department)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. INCISED WOUNDS Typically bleed a lot Are inflicted with knives or razors Are narrow at the edges and gaping in the middle 9-15 (Courtesy Federal Bureau of Investigation)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. COMMON TYPES OF WOUNDS Type of WoundCharacteristics Firearm: Contact (muzzle against body) Close (less than 18 inches) Distant (18 inches or more) No blackening around entry; star-shaped, often with flaps directed outward Blackening around entry; grains of powder and deposits of powder residue None of the above characteristics appear IncisedCutting wound inflicted with sharp-edged instrument, wound typically narrow at ends and gaping in middle with a great deal of blood StabAs above; manner in which knife is thrust into and pulled out of body can result in wounds of different shapes made with same knife PunctureCan be caused by ice picks, leather punches, and screwdrivers; result in small wounds with little or no blood LacerationsOpen, irregularly shaped wounds, caused by clubs, pipes, pistols and other blunt instrument wounds accompanied by bruising or bleeding DefensesCommonly found on palms of hands, fingers, forearms Strangulation: Ligature Manual Mark encircling neck in a horizontal plane overlying larynx or upper trachea; sometimes broken at back of neck where hand grasped ligature; abrasions and contusions of skin not usually present Abrasions, contusions and fingernail marks on skin
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. REASONS FOR SUICIDE Ill health Severe marital strife Recent emotionally damaging experience Financial difficulties 9-17(a)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. REASONS FOR SUICIDE (cont'd) Perceived humiliation Actual humiliation Remorse over loss of loved one Revenge 9-17(b)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. TYPES OF SUICIDE 9-18 MethodEvidence and Procedure ShootingMost commonly a gunshot to the temple; frequently no exit wound; investigators look for blood spatter, gunshot residue, and hammer-spur impressions on decedent’s hands. HangingNeck is rarely broken; feet or knees are often touching the ground—only when unconsciousness occurs is full weight of body applied to noose, resulting in cutoff of all oxygen to the brain and thus death; petechial hemorrhaging in eyes common Ingesting pharmaceuticalsInterviews with relatives, friends, neighbors can help determine whether death is accidental or suicidal; especially difficult because of possible unexpected interactions among drugs DrowningChest cavity and lungs distended and soggy; heart flabby, with right side dilated and filled with dark red fluid; hemorrhaged mastoid cells in ear; water in stomach and duodenum; algae in body; parts of lips, ears, and nose often eaten away CuttingInvestigators look for hesitation marks—series of lesser wounds in general region of fatal wound; self-inflicted throat wounds deep at point of entry, shallow at terminus; not unusual to see a series of cuts on different parts of the body Ingesting poisonMat be signs of vomiting & severe damage to lips, tongue, and mouth; victims may employ second means of suicide because death does not occur rapidly; search for poison container critical; details under “Pharmaceutical,” above, also apply Inhaling gasCarbon monoxide, most common, causes skin to turn bright red JumpingWitness interviews and assessment of victim’s predisposition to suicide critical Intentionally crashing automobile Usually a single occupant speeding into an off-road obstacle; lack of skid marks; shoe-sole imprints from gas and brake pedals sometimes useful
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. COMMON REASONS THAT HIT-AND-RUN DRIVERS FAIL TO STOP The driver had been drinking The vehicle was stolen The driver had a suspended or revoked operator's license There was someone in the car whose presence, if discovered, could cause additional problems, e.g., someone else's spouse 9-19(a)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. COMMON REASONS THAT HIT-AND-RUN DRIVERS FAIL TO STOP (cont'd) The driver had no liability insurance The driver or a passenger was injured requiring the driver to drive directly to the nearest emergency room The driver did not realize he/she had been involved in an accident The driver had committed a crime just prior to the accident and still had evidence of it in the vehicle 9-19(b)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. FACTS TO BE DETERMINED IN FIRE DEATH INVESTIGATIONS Coordination and Cooperation –Coordination of and cooperation between police and fire investigators are of paramount importance in the successful investigation of any questioned fire Degrees of Burning –Burns are medically classified into four types Identification of Remains –Because fire destroys human tissue, identification of the remains may be especially difficult Scene Considerations –As with any physical evidence, burned bodies must be sketched, measured, and photographed 9-20(a)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. FACTS TO BE DETERMINED IN FIRE DEATH INVESTIGATIONS (cont'd) Examination of the External Body –The body of the deceased should be examined in detail both at the scene and again at the morgue Examination of the Internal Body –Soot, other debris, or burning in the air passages Toxicology Examination –The pathologist should take samples for later examination by a toxicologist Histologic Examination –Microscopic examination of tissues is also an important part of the postmortem examination 9-20(b)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. FACTS TO BE DETERMINED IN FIRE DEATH INVESTIGATIONS (cont'd) “Flash” Fires –Concentrated burns in one area of a body may indicate the nature and cause of death Motives of Fire Deaths –In fire deaths, various motives should be kept in mind by investigators Recording the Scene –Photographs of the body in its original position and of the room or area in which it is found 9-20(c)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. STALKING Stalking is harassing or threatening behavior that an individual engages in repeatedly, such as following a person, appearing at a person's home or place of business, making harassing phone calls, leaving written messages or objects, or vandalizing a person's property. Legal definitions of stalking vary widely from state to state. 9-21
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. STALKERS Demographically. Stalking is a gender neutral crime, with both male and female perpetrators and victims. However, most stalkers are men. Common categories of stalkers –Love Obsession Stalkers –Simple Obsession Stalkers –Cyberstalking 9-22
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. NATIONAL CENTER FOR THE ANALYSIS OF VIOLENT CRIME (NCAVC) Designed to form a partnership among federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies in the investigation of potentially related, unsolved violent crimes 9-23
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE ANALYSIS Criminal investigative analysis, formerly referred to as psychological profiling, is the analysis of crime scene patterns in order to identify the personality and behavioral characteristics of offenders who commit serial crimes of rape and homicide The concept of criminal investigative analysis works in tandem with the search for physical evidence 9-24(a)
McGraw-Hill © 2003, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE ANALYSIS (cont'd) Psychological evidence, like physical evidence, varies, and so the profile may also vary Profilers need wide exposure to crime scenes to discern patterns and some exposure to criminals who have committed similar crimes 9-24(b)