Welcome!!!!! Mrs. Dorr’s classroom
Mrs. Dorr’s Class Procedures What are procedures? And why do we have them? I don’t want anything to be a surprise.. I want you to know what is expected and how things are done in the classroom. WELCOME to our class!!
When you enter the building… Smile! WALK carefully and quietly. Be mindful of the younger children around you. Go straight to where you should be.
Before the bell rings… Sit quietly in the hall with your class. Have a BOOK to READ! Take care of any restroom needs. Make sure you ask the teacher on duty for permission to do this.
When entering the room… Greet your teacher with a high five or a hug. Greet the T.A. with a handshake. Walk quietly to your seat. Unpack all needed materials for the day. Hang your backpack in your cubby. Monday mornings you will get word a day and reading log Add your lunch count to the bulletin board Begin Welcome Work. Work quietly until announcements start. Spelling homework sheets will need to be picked up at the beginning of the month or if you need a new one.
While in our classroom… If you need to sharpen your pencil, use the handheld sharpener. If you need to borrow a pencil do so BEFORE the morning announcements. After morning announcements we will be starting our ELAR class. You will write the I CAN statements for reading and writing in your planner. Need to potty? Raise your hand and ask to go; however, do NOT ask when the teacher is giving a lesson. The answer will be no unless it is an emergency. Sign the log out and in sheet located by the sink in our classroom. If you need help while working on your own,raise your hand and I will assist you. If you are working with a partner, or in a group, the group leader is the only one who can ask me a question. When you have completed something that needs to be turned in, place your work in the appropriate basket. Your name and number MUST be on your work! Show where pencils are-explain borrowing and returning policy. Show where they go. I have electronic. Do not use! Explain classroom bathroom policy; bathroom log sheet. Do not ask to go during a lesson! Explain that after entering the room from lunch we will begin social studies. Therefore when entering the classroom you will get out your social studies materials and write the I CAN statements for social studies in your planner.
While in our classroom… Cubbies are to be kept clean. You should only visit your cubby during designated times. Want to read a book from our class library? Great! Grab a book that you will enjoy and bring it to me to sign it out. These books are not to be taken home. The school library books are for that. While using computers in our classroom practice internet safety. Remember your purpose for being on the computer. Computers will ONLY be used during designated times and are not to be touched otherwise. When homework is assigned, it will go home on Monday and will be due Friday. You are expected to write homework assignments in your planner to be taken home. All homework assignments will be placed in your homework folder. Computers will be used during morning time and during lessons.. Explained more later Discuss homework and board
While in our classroom… Each week there will be a TA and each person in a group will have a specific job. You will be assigned a classroom number. This number will be used in our room and when you go to Mr. Pierce’s room for science and Ms. Davis’ room for math. If you need something in the classroom, feel free to help yourself. However, PLEASE remember to be respectful to your classmates and your teacher. Remember that your classmates are working. Get to where you need to go quickly and quietly, returning to your seat the same way. While working in a group we will be practicing N.E.T. N= No putdowns E=Everyone participates T=table voices should be used Tas will be assigned next week. Describe the group jobs and the color circles. These jobs change daily! Show the tubs at each group and explain If its out you can use.. Explain things that cannot be touched or used. Don’t get up when teacher is in middle of lesson unless it is an emergency.
While in our classroom… What do I do when I am finished working early? I will normally tell you what to do next but reading a book or working on unfinished work/homework is always a great activity if you are unsure. During Independent Silent Reading you are free to move around the room, but make sure I can see you and the you are reading and you are QUIET. Explain reading corner and give examples where they can sit.
Getting your attention Sometimes I may want your undivided attention. You will see me stand with my hand up. Or I may hit a bell because some of you will not be able to see my hand while you are working in a group. When you see my hand or hear a bell, the procedure is as follows: 1. Freeze 2. Turn and face me; pay attention and keep your eyes on me. 3. be ready for instructions/directions. I WILL have something to say. Repeat the procedure and look for class understanding. Ask a student to tell me the procedure. Repeat this with several other students. Rehearse.
Procedure for collecting class work When you are done and waiting for the rest of the class; put your paper face down on your desk and read silently while you wait. Know your group leader for the day! When I’m ready to collect your paper, pass your paper to the group leader. I will either collect from group leader or have the group leader put the papers in the appropriate bin.
Switching classes… Before switching, clean up your work areas when asked. Quickly and quietly get in a line according to line order. Stand in a line quietly in the hall while waiting to enter either Mr. Pierce’s or Ms. Davis’ classroom. Have all needed supplies and materials with you! Practice this!
Outside our classroom… Hallway behavior is important! We never know who is watching our class. Walk in a straight line without talking, keeping your hands to yourselves. Watch for signals from your teacher… where to stop, when to continue walking, etc. are all important things to watch for. Behavior in the restroom is also important. It is not a place to play. Horseplay and messes are disrespectful to our custodians who work hard every day to make our school a nice, neat place to learn!! Take care of your business, wash hands, and return to class promptly. Students will line up in number order. TA will always be first. Explain how to line up outside the restrooms; boys stand outside the boys room and girls stand outside the girls room only four at a time. When one comes out another may enter; one at a time. Practice this; take students to restroom for a restroom break.
Dismissal Line up quietly Bus riders and daycare students will either stay here or go to Ms. Davis, Mr. Pierce, or Ms. Flick room. Parent Pick-Up students will go to either Ms. Neeley or Mrs. Murphy. Walkers will go with Ms. Brown. If there are any changes to how you are getting home please inform me immediately in the morning so arrangements can be made.
Classroom rules What do you think is a good classroom rule? Together we will make a list of classroom rules What happens when we break a rule? Block party/points
Other things you probably want to know… Can I chew gum in class? No, gum is for home. We have found it stuck under too many desks. What happens if I miss a day of school? You will go to the absent folder to get your all the papers you missed for that day. You will have 3 days to complete and turn in make-up work. Do we ever get to talk? YES! You will be given lots of time to talk! Intelligent conversations are very important AND expected! What STAAR tests do we take? Math, Reading, and Science Who are our SPECIALS teachers? Music – Ms. Chambers P.E – Coach Hurst Is 5th grade hard? 5th grade is challenging. It is my job as a teacher to challenge you and make you think lots! ! 5th grade is also fun. We will be making lasting memories!