Which questions is it impossible for scientists to explain? Why? The exact reason why you did something What you should do How you should live What happened in the past If something is beautiful or not If there are things like truth, love, justice in the world If someone is a good person or not If your life has a point or meaning to it If there is a non-physical being called God How important are these questions to you? Would you be happy without such information? Would knowing science be enough for you, in your life?
Religion and Science what’s the difference? To explain the difference between what science and religion are about To evaluate how important science and religion are to us 1.Explain what sort of things science cannot answer, that would be important to you personally. 2.Why could science be important to you personally? ( Is it for the knowledge/ understanding it gives you of the world around? For your future career? For skills it gives you?) **Overall, would be good enough if you lived your life only based on science? The exact reason why you did something What you should do How you should live What happened in the past If something is beautiful or not If there are things like truth, love, justice in the world If someone is a good person or not If your life has a point or meaning to it If there is a non-physical being called God
Two Windows Science and Religion are like two different ways of looking at the world. 1.Draw two windows. Label them “science” and “religion”. Inside the correct window, write out the things that science or religion would help you to see. 2.Explain in your own words the different between what science and religion are about. **Which sorts of questions are more important to you, personally? Why? The World according to Science The World according to Religion What is the right thing to do? What is the world made of? Why am I alive? What am I here for? What does it mean to be a good human being? How can I change things to make life more comfortable? Why do things work in the way the do? Is this world all there is? How should I live my life?
Science methodsHistory methodsReligion methods Do experiments Measure things Calculate with maths Use instruments Use your experience Come up with theories to explain your observations Do archeology Read old documents Compare what different versions Eyewitnesses accounts Personal experience Personal viewpoint Research how people lived Come up with theories to explain what happened Do archaeology Read old documents Compare different versions Eyewitness accounts Personal experience Research how people live their faith Come up with theories to explain God, Jesus etc 1. How are science & history/ religion methods different? explain what sort of methods are used in science. Compare with what sort of methods are used in doing history or religion ** Just because you don’t do experiments or measure things in history or RE, does that mean these subjects cannot teach you anything?
What do you think? A.Science disproves religion B.Religion cannot teach you anything C.Religion is against new scientific discoveries D.You can’t believe both science and religion E.You need religion to make this a better world F.You need science to make this a better world G.Science and religion are different ways of looking at the world, but both have something to teach us Watch the video. (to 1min20) Which viewpoints do you agree with? In your groups, agree on what you think. Present an argument to persuade other people about this.
Draw a title page poster, explaining the difference between “science” and “religion”.