Mobile Robotics for Inspection and Maintenance in Extreme Environments
Objectives for mobile robotics work Provide inexpensive, rugged and reliable platforms for remote inspection and maintenance activities Automate specific tasks in unstructured environment Enhance capability of several NDE techniques Advance NDE capabilities –NDE data mapping over majority of boiler structure –Affordable means for complete (extensive) inspection on boilers, etc, during scheduled outages Support variety of NDE inspection devices Support a variety of maintenance tools Advance technology in mobile robotics
Traxtor Mobile Robotics Synterprise is the primary sales agent for the technology. Work within specific utilities – predominantly TVA Focus on three areas –Coal-fired Boilers –External storage facilities –Hydroelectric facilities
Boiler Inspection Robots
Boiler Inspection Techniques
Surge Tanks
External Storage tanks
Features of Traxtor Robots Modular-unit design Compliant parallel-gravity suspension Active chassis system Accommodate significant climbing features 1:1 (or greater) payload-to-weight ratios Permanent magnet foot design Multiple dof tool-handling mechanisms on-board Wireless, remote communications / operation Automated data collection, report generation Semi-autonomous operation
Commercial Platform
Features of Commercial Platform overall dimension - 24x20x12 in.Standard attachment plate with lift – multiple application Payload - 50 lbMain transducers w/in robot chassis Vehicle weight - 50 lbSemi-autonomous navigation Integral pan/tilt/zoom hi-res camera, lights Real-time position measurements HaloOn-board processor ft. integrated tetherOperation in boilers or tanks Modular track units Hands-free controllerBattery or AC operation Palm-based data acquisitionVideo or line-of-sight operation Compatible with all Kraut Kramer, Panasonic, Sonatest flaw detectors Currently configured for UT inspection with wheel probe
Traxtor Configurations