Zooming Out for a Global View Global Issues Conference Sponsored by the Office of International Outreach, The European Union Center, The Education Department of the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum, and The Academy for Future International Leaders at Texas A&M University Enriqueta “Katie” Perez Academy for Future International Leaders Conference Coordinator
Conference Objective The “Zooming Out for a Global View” program consists of putting together a conference that is geared toward students in grades in which they partake in a project that involves global issues. The point of the project for the students is to help them link the idea of global issues to that of their local, regional, and national sphere in an attempt for them to realize that many of the problems that are global are also present on a smaller scale.
Conference Information Place: Annenberg Presidential Conference Center, Texas A&M University Date: Wednesday, May 5, 2010 Time: 8:00-9:00 am Registration & Poster Session set-up 9:00 Keynote Address 10:00 “Zoom In” Small Group Discussions moderated by AFIL students 11:00 “Zoom In” Group Challenge” Solving Global Issues 11:30 Lunch provided by the Office of International Outreach 12:00 to 12:45 Poster Session 1:00 pm Awards Ceremony and featured student presentations 2:00 Tour of the George Bush Presidential Library 5:00 The Bush Museum closes Space: Spots will be given to the first 250 students to submit projects * Note: To be eligible to register, the student(s) must submit a global project either individually or in teams of no more than 4 students.
Fall Semester Strategy 1.Meet with Martha Green from the International Outreach Center 2.Begin on Teacher’s Workshop PowerPoint Presentation 3.Brainstorm Global Issues Categories 4.Request Keynote Speaker: Mr. Rick Younts 5.Think about ideas for the webpage 6.Create Student Flyer promoting the conference 7.Create Agenda for conference Student Flyer Distributed all over Texas
Spring Semester Implementation Confirm Keynote Speaker Present as Teacher’s Workshop Confirm Categories with Linda Edwards and Martha Green Set date for submission of projects Order Trophies Create address Work on Webpage Promote facilitators Promote Conference Create Agenda
Zooming Out Webpage Worked with Webmaster Uploaded last year’s winning projects Included helpful resources –Registration forms –Requirements to participate Clearly Stated Categories –Environmental Sustainability –Population Growth and Transition –Economic Development –Health and Human Development –Media and Technology
Promotion with Sharon Coulson KAMU Discussed Goals Had previous winner from Bryan High join us Reached out to the Bryan Community KAMU excited to get involved Aired for three days
Project Requirements 1.Must pertain to a global issue that falls within one of the categories listed on the following slide. 2.Must include a written component: Several paragraph summary explaining the project’s relevance to a global issue. 3.Must include an original visual aid: Poster Board Drawing Video Photography *4. Must be mailed according to the “Submitting Project” slide
Judging the Projects Project Judging Guidelines The projects were judged by a panel of 11 qualified Texas A&M students based on: –Creativity/ Originality –Global Insight –*Relevance to an important Global Issue –Overall Quality We Received over 120 projects Graded them in 2 days 3 times each
2 Challenges 1.On April 21, 2010 we received 120 projects and we reserved space for 250 students. However, 400 students from all over Texas are attending the conference. 2.Originally, we needed 25 student leader facilitators (1 facilitator for 10 students). We had to find 40+ student facilitators to accommodate the number of students attending.
Method to Tackle Challenges Created flyer requesting facilitators Sent the flyer to Mike Balog, Senior Political Science Advisor Mike sent the flyer to over 200 advisors: –Students from Mays, Liberal Arts, Engineering –50+ facilitator inquires
Facilitator Trainings Distributed Agenda Socratic Method to leading group Problem Solving Model Professional Dress at Conference Time commitment 9- 12p.m. on May 5 LOTS OF PIZZA
Poster Session During the Conference, students will display their projects through a display board (along with any other visual aid that their project includes). The students will be expected to present their project and we will award the best presenter and neatest poster display.
Continued Promotion Immediate Press Release will be sent out on Monday, May 3, 2010 to: –Eagle –KBTX –News 4 –Battalion –Professors on Campus Linda Edwards wants to promote the conference to maintain sustainability
Desired Outcome Successful conference Peak interest of Texas A&M students Engage students in conference with intellectual conversation focused on global issues Sponsors are pleased with the outcome and want to participate next year Continue sustaining the “Zooming Out Conference” for next year’s AFIL members!
Do you want to get involved? For most information and forms, visit: For questions specifically related to projects or conference events, please direct s to AFIL Student Coordinator Enriqueta “Katie” Perez: For all other questions relating to the Zooming Out for a Global View Conference, contact International Outreach Program Coordinator Martha Green: