National FFA Organization To learn the following about the organization: History, Today, emblem, colors, motto, salute, responsibilities, creed, and official dress.
FFA History Smith Hughes National Vocational Education Act established agricultural classes in the schools Smith Hughes National Vocational Education Act established agricultural classes in the schools The FFA was established in Kansas City, MO. ($.10) The FFA was established in Kansas City, MO. ($.10) National Farmers of America (African American) merges with the Future Farmers of America (White) National Farmers of America (African American) merges with the Future Farmers of America (White).
FFA History females were allowed into the FFA females were allowed into the FFA name was changed from Future Farmers of America to “The National FFA Organization” name was changed from Future Farmers of America to “The National FFA Organization”.
FFA Today There are three levels the FFA is structured on. There are three levels the FFA is structured on. –Local –State –National **local is the most important
FFA Emblem
There are five symbols that are representative of the history, goals, and future of the organization. There are five symbols that are representative of the history, goals, and future of the organization. 1. Cross-section of the Ear of Corn- provides the foundation of the emblem. Corn is the foundation crop of America. It also stands for “unity” since corn is grown in all fifty states. 1. Cross-section of the Ear of Corn- provides the foundation of the emblem. Corn is the foundation crop of America. It also stands for “unity” since corn is grown in all fifty states.
FFA Emblem 2. Rising Sun- signifies progress and holds that tomorrow will bring a new day glowing. 2. Rising Sun- signifies progress and holds that tomorrow will bring a new day glowing. 3. Plow- signifies labor and tillage of the soil. Considered the backbone of agriculture. 3. Plow- signifies labor and tillage of the soil. Considered the backbone of agriculture. 4. Eagle- a national symbol which serves as a reminder of our freedom and ability to explore. 4. Eagle- a national symbol which serves as a reminder of our freedom and ability to explore.
FFA Emblem 5. Owl- signifies wisdom. Knowledge is required to be successful in the industry of agriculture. 5. Owl- signifies wisdom. Knowledge is required to be successful in the industry of agriculture. “Agricultural Education”- learning. “Agricultural Education”- learning. “FFA”- leadership. “FFA”- leadership.
FFA Emblem
General Information FFA Official Colors: FFA Official Colors: –National Blue –Corn Gold FFA Motto: Learning to do, Doing to learn, Earning to live, Living to serve.
General Information FFA Salute- FFA Salute- –I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. FFA Creed Handout. The creed is to be written 5 times for a 100 point grade.
FFA Official Dress Male- black shoes, black socks, black slacks, white button shirt, FFA Jacket, FFA tie. Male- black shoes, black socks, black slacks, white button shirt, FFA Jacket, FFA tie. Female- black shoes, black skirt, white blouse, FFA Jacket, FFA scarf. Female- black shoes, black skirt, white blouse, FFA Jacket, FFA scarf. –**two main differences are the slacks and skirt, as well as the scarf and tie.
FFA Official Dress
Program of Activities (POA) Each chapter is responsible for developing a POA, which is a plan of goals for the upcoming year. Each chapter is responsible for developing a POA, which is a plan of goals for the upcoming year.
Successful Qualities of an FFA Chapter 1. Knowledge of the FFA. 1. Knowledge of the FFA. 2. Diversity of Membership. 2. Diversity of Membership. 3. Sharing of Membership Responsibilities. 3. Sharing of Membership Responsibilities. 4. Capable officers. 4. Capable officers. 5. A challenging POA. 5. A challenging POA. 6. Well planned regular chapter meetings. 6. Well planned regular chapter meetings.
Chapter Officers 1. President- presides over the meetings. 1. President- presides over the meetings. 2. Vice President- assumes the duties of the chair in the absence of the president. Develops the POA. 2. Vice President- assumes the duties of the chair in the absence of the president. Develops the POA. 3. Secretary- prepares and posts agenda for each meeting. In charge of the minutes of a meeting. 3. Secretary- prepares and posts agenda for each meeting. In charge of the minutes of a meeting.
Chapter Officers 4. Treasurer- receives, records and deposits FFA funds and issues receipts. 4. Treasurer- receives, records and deposits FFA funds and issues receipts. 5. Reporter- plans public information. Releases news and information to the media. 5. Reporter- plans public information. Releases news and information to the media. 6. Sentinel- Assists the president in maintaining order. 6. Sentinel- Assists the president in maintaining order. 7. Advisor- supervises all chapter activities. 7. Advisor- supervises all chapter activities.
Other Possible Officers 1. Historian- develops and maintains a scrapbook. 1. Historian- develops and maintains a scrapbook. 2. Parliamentarian- know the rules of parliamentary procedure. (Robert’s Rules of Order) 2. Parliamentarian- know the rules of parliamentary procedure. (Robert’s Rules of Order) 3. Chaplain- presents the invocation at banquets and other functions. 3. Chaplain- presents the invocation at banquets and other functions.
Symbols for the officers President- Rising Sun President- Rising Sun Vice President- Plow Vice President- Plow Secretary- Ear of Corn Secretary- Ear of Corn Treasurer- Emblem of Washington Treasurer- Emblem of Washington Reporter- American Flag Reporter- American Flag Sentinel- Shield of Friendship Sentinel- Shield of Friendship Advisor- Owl Advisor- Owl
Vice President
Meeting Room Handout of the meeting room. Handout of the meeting room. Opening Ceremony Opening Ceremony Closing Ceremony Closing Ceremony
Parliamentary Procedure Uses of the gavel. Uses of the gavel. - One tap- (1)follows announcements of adjournment, (2)the completion of a business item, (3)a message to the members to be seated. - Two taps- Calls the meeting to order - Three taps- stand in unison on the third tap.
Alabama FFA Districts North- Birmingham northward North- Birmingham northward Central- Birmingham to Montgomery Central- Birmingham to Montgomery South- everything south of Montgomery South- everything south of Montgomery
Important People in the FFA National FFA Advisor- Dr. Larry Case National FFA Advisor- Dr. Larry Case State FFA Advisor- Mr. Troy Newton State FFA Advisor- Mr. Troy Newton State FFA Executive Secretary/South District Advisor- Mr. Jacob Davis State FFA Executive Secretary/South District Advisor- Mr. Jacob Davis Central District Advisor- Mr. Phillip Paramore Central District Advisor- Mr. Phillip Paramore North District Advisor- Mr. Bobby Thomas North District Advisor- Mr. Bobby Thomas
FFA Degrees FFA Degrees can be earned through different accomplishments. FFA Degrees can be earned through different accomplishments. 1. Greenhand- learn motto, creed & be a first year member. Start an SAE. 1. Greenhand- learn motto, creed & be a first year member. Start an SAE. 2. Chapter-must have greenhand, earn $150 through SAE, show 100 hrs. of work. 2. Chapter-must have greenhand, earn $150 through SAE, show 100 hrs. of work.
FFA Degrees 3. State- must have chapter degree, earn $1000 through SAE, work 300 hrs on SAE related areas. 3. State- must have chapter degree, earn $1000 through SAE, work 300 hrs on SAE related areas. 4. American- must have state degree, earn $7500 through SAE, work 2250 hrs. on SAE related areas. 4. American- must have state degree, earn $7500 through SAE, work 2250 hrs. on SAE related areas.