Hot Plate Electrically heats without fire. Can be flat or coiled like a stove.
Forceps Scientific tweezers. For grasping small objects carefully.
Microscope Slides Thin plates of glass for holding samples to look under the microscope. Slip Covers hold the sample in place on the glass.
Microscope Allows you to see small, thin samples magnified up to 400x *Objects must be very thin, like paper!
Test Tube Clamps Hold test tubes. Careful-- squeeze to open, don’t drop the test tube!
Test Tube Brush For cleaning test tubes. * Clean carefully so you don’t break the test tube!
Test Tube Rack Holds test tubes upright. Can be wood, plastic, or metal.
Beaker Container for liquids. Measurements are only for estimate!
Tongs For grabbing things you shouldn’t touch. Small pointy ends for small things, Large rectangle ends for big things.
Eyedropper (Medicine Dropper) Good for measuring out one drop at a time. Dropper and bottle seal tightly so liquid does not evaporate.
Litmus Paper When dipped in liquid, it can tell the pH of a substance.
Ring Stand Supports containers above a bunsen burner for heating.
Graduated Cylinder Precicely measures liquids. ** Numbering varies by size, usually in mL.
Erlenmeyer Flask Holds liquids. Comes in many different sizes. **NOT for precise measuring, numbers are for estimating only!
Triple Beam Balance Measures material in grams.
Magnifying Glass Makes small objects look larger. Usually only 10x magnification.
Bunsen Burner Uses natural gas (methane) to create a flame.
Petri Dish Holds small samples, either solid or liquid. Can be glass or plastic.
Ruler and Meter stick For measuring the length of an object. In science, we measure in METRIC-- centimeters, meters.
Thermometer For measuring temperature. **Not for stirring, and do NOT hold directly in a flame!
Glass Stirring Rod For stirring. Careful you don’t stir too hard, it will break!
Funnel Makes pouring neatly easier, especially for filling narrow containers.
Safety Goggles For protecting eyes from splashing chemicals or material. *May be colored.
Fire Blanket Puts out small fires that can be completely covered.
Fire Extinguisher Uses chemicals to put out small area fires.
Safety Shower Rinses dangerous chemicals off your head or body. Has attached eyewasher for rinsing chemicals out of eyes. FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY!
MSDS Binder Tells you everything you could want to know about a chemical used in lab.
Glass Disposal Box For throwing out broken glass SAFELY. Shards in the garbage could cut the janitors!