The formation of stars and planets Day 2, Topic 3: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond
Spherically symmetric free falling cloud Free fall velocity: If stellar mass dominates: Continuity equation: Stationary free-fall collapse
Inside-out collapse of metastable sphere Suppose inner region is converted into a star: r r No support again gravity here, so the next mass shell falls toward star r The ‘no support’-signal travels outward with sound speed (“expansion wave”) (warning: strongly exaggerated features)
Hydrodynamical equations Continuity equation: Comoving frame momentum equation: Equation of state:
Inside-out collapse model of Shu (1977) The analytic model: Starts from singular isothermal sphere Models collapse from inside-out Applies the `trick’ of self-similarity Major drawback: Singular isothermal sphere is unstable and therefore unphysical as an initial condition Nevertheless very popular because: Only existing analytic model for collapse Demonstrates much of the physics
Inside-out collapse model of Shu (1977) Expansion wave moves outward at sound speed. So a dimensionless coordinate for self-similarity is: If there exists a self-similar solution, then it must be of the form: Now solve the equations for (x), m(x) and u(x)
Inside-out collapse model of Shu (1977) Solution requires one numerical integral. Shu gives a table. An approximate (but very accurate) ‘solution’ is: For any t this can then be converted into the real solution
Inside-out collapse model of Shu (1977)
Inside-out collapse model of Shu (1977)
Inside-out collapse model of Shu (1977)
Inside-out collapse model of Shu (1977) Singular isothermal sphere: r-2 Free-fall region: r-3/2 Transition region: matter starts to fall Expansion wave front
Inside-out collapse model of Shu (1977) Deep down in free-fall region (r << cst): Accretion rate is constant: Stellar mass grows linear in time
A ‘simple’ numerical model
A ‘simple’ numerical model Temperature: 30 K Outer radius: 5000 AU Initial condition: BE sphere with c = 1.2x10-17 g/cm3 (r)
A ‘simple’ numerical model A more `realistic’ non-static model: Make perturbation, but keep mass the same. (r)
A ‘simple’ numerical model Strong wobbles, but it remains stable
Observations of such dynamical behavior Lada, Bergin, Alves, Huard 2003
A ‘simple’ numerical model Now add a little bit of mass (10%) to nudge it over the BE limit: (r) Cloud collapses in a global way (not really inside-out)
Maps of pre-stellar cores Shirley, Evans, Rawlings, Gregersen (2000)
Maps of class 0 sources Shirley, Evans, Rawlings, Gregersen (2000)
Line profile of collapsing cloud Optically thin emission is symmetric Flux Blue, i.e. toward the observer Red, i.e. away from observer
Line profile of collapsing cloud But absorption only on observer’s side (i.e. on redshifted side) Flux Blue, i.e. toward the observer Red, i.e. away from observer v (km/s) T (K) Example: Observations of B335 cloud. Zhou et al. (1993)
Collapse of rotating clouds Solid-body rotation of cloud: 0 x y z v0 r0 Infalling gas-parcel falls almost radially inward, but close to the star, its angular momentum starts to affect the motion. At that radius r<<r0 the kinetic energy v2/2 vastly exceeds the initial kinetic energy. So one can say that the parcel started almost without energy.
Collapse of rotating clouds Focal point of ellipse/parabola: No energy condition: Ang. Mom. Conserv: Radius at which parcel hits the equatorial plane: Equator r rm re a vm
Collapse of rotating clouds For larger 0: larger re For given shell (i.e. given r0), all the matter falls within the centrifugal radius rc onto the midplane. If rc < r*, then mass is loaded directly onto the star If rc > r*, then a disk is formed In Shu model, r0 ~ t, and therefore:
Protostellar disks and jets Most of infalling matter falls on the equator and forms a disk Friction within the disk causes matter to accrete onto the star Jets are often launched from the inner regions of these disks A jet penetrates through the infalling cloud and opens a cavity
Spectra of collapsing cloud + star + disk Whitney et al. 2003 Class 0
Spectra of collapsing cloud + star + disk Whitney et al. 2003 Class I
Spectra of collapsing cloud + star + disk Whitney et al. 2003 Class II
Spectra of collapsing cloud + star + disk Whitney et al. 2003 Class III