Dawkins on Gould ~ slide 1 Richard Dawkins on Gould’s NOMA 4 Richard Dawkins. “Science Discredits Religion.” In Peterson, Hasker, et al. 4 Begins with.


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Presentation transcript:

Dawkins on Gould ~ slide 1 Richard Dawkins on Gould’s NOMA 4 Richard Dawkins. “Science Discredits Religion.” In Peterson, Hasker, et al. 4 Begins with discussion of Gould’s NOMA –Dawkins proposes that science cannot determine what is right or wrong, –But neither can religion What might be a religious basis for ethics? Scripture? Consensus?

Dawkins on Gould ~ slide 2 Richard Dawkins on Gould’s NOMA

Dawkins on Gould ~ slide 3 Richard Dawkins on Gould Religious leaders? –Dawkins proposes that none of these work. –Pope John Paul II’s 1996 statement on evolution Dawkins’ critique –When was soul initially infused? –Proposed gulf between humans & other animals

Dawkins on Gould ~ slide 4 Richard Dawkins on Gould Gould’s NOMA is wrong –Because religion makes claims about the physical world 4 Comments –I agree with Dawkins that there are problems with Gould’s NOMA, but –One could argue that many, if not all of Dawkins’ comments about religion are caricatures (the straw man fallacy)