 Try to remember at least 3 parts to a science lab report.


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Presentation transcript:

 Try to remember at least 3 parts to a science lab report.

 Today I will practice writing a good hypothesis.

 A possible explanation for an event; it must be testable.

Part 1: explanation Part 2: test Example: If gravity pulls objects to the earth, then when I throw an object in the air, it should always return to the earth (unless something else acts on it). If _______(something is true)___________, then __________(this should happen)______ (because).

The tree will grow during the sunny months of summer.

Living things need water to survive.

People who exercise need to eat more.

I need 8 hours of sleep every night.

 The more I sleep in class, the lower my grade goes.

 Title: Let’s wake up some yeast!  Yeast – any ideas what this is?

 We often use it to make bread.  It is a living organism.  It is dormant (or asleep) when dry, and we wake it up by putting it in warm water.  It is very small – you can only see individuals with a microscope.  Each individual is one cell.

 Cell = smallest unit of life.  We are all made of trillions of cells.  Yeast is just one cell each.  Every cell has special parts that help it do what it needs to do.

 Your new best friend  Expect to use it regularly  More detail to come on how to write a conclusion.

 If we give yeast some sugar, what will happen?

 What is the general structure of a hypothesis?

 Today I will collect data on yeast activity.

 1 packet of active dry yeast  1 cup very warm water (105° F–115° F)  2 teaspoons sugar  1 large rubber balloon  1 Erlenmeyer flask

1. Stretch out the balloon by blowing it up, and then lay it aside. 2. Get about 100mL of warm water in an Erlenmeyer flask from the teacher. 3. Dissolve 1 yeast packet and about 1 teaspoon of sugar. Swirl the mixture to make sure everything is dissolving. 4. Attach the balloon to the mouth of the bottle and begin to observe.

 Hypothesis: answering our question   If we give yeast some sugar, what will happen?  Write your hypothesis for our experiment tomorrow.  If ________________________________, then ______________________________________.