A Finmeccanica Company 04/2000/1 EUSO Development Philosophy EUSO General Meeting Max Planck Institute for Physics Munich, November the 20th 2003
A Finmeccanica Company 04/2000/2 Introduction l Alenia contribution, in support of Instrument System responsibility, covered, during the phase A study, the following aspects: – Development approach and associated model philosophy – System Verification Tasks outline – Provisions of guidelines for the various equipment, sub-assemblies and subsystems, as provided by the Scientific Consortium, called for sake of comprehension: Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) l The presentation addresses, therefore: – Development Philosophy – Guidelines for Equipment/Sub- assemblies/Subsystems – Open Areas to be covered in the following Program Phases – Schedule Outline
A Finmeccanica Company 04/2000/3 Development Philosophy - General l The Development philosophy for the EUSO Instrument has as sustaining pillars: – an Assembly, Integration and Verification Program – and a Model Philosophy l The objectives of the AIV Program are primarily to: – qualify the design, – ensure that the products are in agreement with the qualified design and free from workmanship defects and acceptable for use, – verify that the overall system (including tools, procedures and resources) will be able to fulfil mission requirements, – achieve the delivery in due time of the flight model, – minimise the overall development costs.
A Finmeccanica Company 04/2000/4 Development Philosophy - General l The methods of verifications are the standard ones, i.e.: – test, analysis, review of design and inspection. Note (1) l The stages of the verification process encompass the development, qualification and acceptance phases. l The levels will be: – Equipment, – Subsystem and/or Sub-assembly (e.g. structure, harness etc…), – EUSO Integrated Instrument, – EUSO Integrated Payload, i.e.: EUSO Instrument + Mission/Launch Specific Items. Note (1): The test methodology will be the main method of verification and will be used when analytical techniques cannot provide reliable results.
A Finmeccanica Company 04/2000/5 Development Philosophy - Instrument level l The AIV Campaign is based primarily on: – an Instrument STM – an Instrument PFM. l Three major verification steps are preliminarily identified: – Instrument thermo-mechanical qualification on the Instrument Structural Thermal Model (STM) – Instrument functional qualification on the Instrument Protoflight Model (PFM) – Integrated Payload qualification on the EUSO Payload PFM
A Finmeccanica Company 04/2000/6 Development Philosophy - Guidelines for Subsystems l Equipment/Subsystem Developers (CFE) are to provide their development plans in order to harmonise and make them compatible with the overall EUSO Instrument development. l As far as models and associated development phases are concerned, the following approach is proposed: – B.B./D.M./T.M. can be used to develop technology and demonstrate design adequacy – E.M. (Either Engineering or Electrical Models) to demonstrate Items functionality and interface adequacy. – PFM to qualify the items. It will be accepted also an EQM/QM and FM approach, if necessary. l Developers are requested to provide an STM to the EUSO Instrument Integrator. In certain cases, STMs can be used to achieve qualification of design, e.g. primary structure.
A Finmeccanica Company 04/2000/7 Development Philosophy - Overall Logic
A Finmeccanica Company 04/2000/8 Development Philosophy OC = Operational Configuration (Platform/Instrument)
A Finmeccanica Company 04/2000/9 Development Philosophy LC = Launch Configuration (Platform/Carrier/Instrument)
A Finmeccanica Company 04/2000/10 Development Philosophy - Instrument level EUSO Instrument STM Overall structural and thermal model (inclusive of thermo-structural dummies of avionics, optics, EUSO P/L PDGF and PMCAS): static, modal survey, TV/TB, including cycling of LID cover/mechanism opening/closure in extreme environmental conditions, physical properties, alignment before and after environmental tests PFM Refurbishment of STM structure Complete functional verification, there including calibration Proof test Physical properties EMC conducted tests Grounding/bonding EUSO Payload System level on STM Model: Vibro-Acoustic test System level on Protoflight Model: Physical properties, including I/F requirements by Inspection (OC/LC); Radiated EMC test (OC); TB/TV (OC); Vibro-Acoustic test (OC); Modal Survey test (LC); Functional, Performance tests (OC/LC) LC = Launch Configuration (Platform/Carrier/Instrument) OC = Operational Configuration (Platform/Instrument)
A Finmeccanica Company 04/2000/11 Open Areas Instrument Review l EUSO Instrument development approach is generic and lacks visibility on equipment/subsystems specific developments. – It is a specific activity for the next Program Phases. However some improvements can be done with the co-operation of the various developers in the near term. Mission Review l System Electrical Model missing – Noted. Introduction to be assessed and is possible in the next Program Phases. l EMC tests at Instrument and PSE (Payload Service Electronic) level missing – Noted. It is introduced l Proof Test of Instrument PFM missing – Point taken. If CFRP confirmed for the primary structure, proof test will be executed on the PFM Structure Subsystem.
A Finmeccanica Company 04/2000/12 Open Areas Mission Review (cont’d) l Modal Survey Test at PFM Launch configuration missing – It will be introduced l Instrument PFM must be a new structure, not a refurbishment from STM – Noted. It depends on several aspects. A trade-off will be carried out in the future Program phases. l End-to-End verification to be performed with dedicated SCOE. – Point will be covered in the future.
A Finmeccanica Company 04/2000/13 EUSO INSTRUMENT - SCHEDULE OUTLINE Assy and subsystem level qualification models. For ALS responsibility HW: o LID Assy reliability test and functional tests (extreme temperature conditions) o overall structural and thermal model (inclusive of thermo-structural dummies of avionics, optics, EUSO P/L PDGF and PMCAS, etc...) tests - static (protoflight level) - modal - thermal vacuum (solar fluxes simulation) in open / close configuration; - physical properties (mass, cog, fit checks etc...) - alignments and light tightness checks before and after environmental tests System level PFM AIV process based on o refurbishment of STM structure; o lenses installation, alignment and calibration (optics responsible in optics facility) o completion of PFM integration in Alenia Spazio facilities o complete functional verification o phisical properties (mass, inertia, cog, fit checks etc...) o EMC tests (conducted) o alignments and light tightness checks before shipping for integration on EUSO P/L o grounding/bonding Instrument and Payload joint PFM AIV process based on o acoustic test o thermal vacuum o EMC tests (radiated) o functional tests o alignments and light tightness checks before and after environmental tests o grounding/bonding LIST IS INDICATIVE