Clean Coal Technology Developments & the move towards CO2 Capture Dr John Topper IEA Clean Coal Centre, London STEP-TREC Programme,Trichy, December, 2013
Membership status of the IEA Clean Coal Centre at October 2013 Italy Japan Republic of Korea UK Glencore Xstrata BHEL Anglo American Thermal Coal USA S Africa Austria Canada Germany CEC Beijing Research Institute of Coal Chemistry Australia Coal Association NZ Eletrobras Suek Electric Power Planning & Engineering Institute of China Banpu Poland A centre of excellence for all aspects of clean coal knowledge transfer
1.Coal Supply and Demand to Examples of Best Practice Today in Coal Fired Power 3.Efficient Clean Power Tomorrow? 4.Status of Carbon Capture
World Energy Outlook Published by IEA November 2012 All views expressed are the speaker’s and not necessarily the IEA’s
IEA WEO 2012 Incremental world primary energy demand by fuel, Total non-coalCoal Mtoe Oil Natural gas Renewables Since the start of the 21st century, coal has dominated the global energy demand picture, alone accounting for 45% of energy demand growth over
IEA WEO 2012 World primary energy demand by fuel OilCoalGasRenewablesNuclear Mtoe Fossil fuels account for 60% of the overall increase in demand, remaining the principal sources of energy worldwide
TWh IEA WEO 2012 A power shift to emerging economies The need for electricity in emerging economies drives a 70% increase in worldwide demand, with China & India accounting for over half of the global growth Change in power generation, Japan European Union United States China TWh CoalGasNuclearRenewables India
Countries with the largest population without access to electricity in 2010 Over 95% of those without electricity are in developing Asia or sub-Saharan Africa & nearly two-thirds are in just ten countries (IEA WEO 2012)
Best Practice Today
Torrevaldaliga Nord 3 units at 660MWe = 1980MWe station Low conventional emissions (NOx <100 mg/m 3, sulphur oxides <100 mg/m 3, particulates 15 mg/m 3, at 6% O 2, dry); full waste utilisation Highest steam conditions: 604 C/612 C at turbine: 25 MPa Operating net efficiency>44.7% LHV Wet scrubber based limestone/gypsum FGD NOx abatementSCR Particulates removalBag filters New sea port for coal delivery Solids handling all enclosed USC, boilers supplied by Babcock Hitachi, using bituminous coal
Niederaussem K, Germany Highly efficient lignite-fired plant Operating net efficiency 43.2% LHV/37% HHV High steam conditions 27.5 MPa/580 C/600 C at turbine; initial difficulties solved using 27% Cr materials in critical areas Unique heat recovery arrangements with heat extraction to low temperatures – complex feedwater circuit Low backpressure: 200 m cooling tower, 14.7 C condenser inlet Lignite drying demonstration plant being installed to process 25% of fuel feed to enable even higher efficiency NOx abatementCombustion measures Particulates removalESP DesulphurisationWet FGD USC, tower boiler, tangential wall firing, lignite of 50-60% moisture, inland
Isogo New Units 1 & 2, Japan – highlights Near zero conventional emissions (NOx 20 mg/m 3, sulphur oxides 6 mg/m 3, particulates 1 mg/m 3, at 6% O 2, dry); full waste utilisation Highest steam conditions: 25.0 MPa/600 C/610 C at turbine: ASME CC 2328 steels in S/H; P122 for main steam pipework Operating net efficiency >42% LHV/40.6% HHV Efficiency tempered slightly by 21 C CW, fewer FW heating stages Dry regenerable activated coke FGD (ReACT) NOx abatement: Combustion measures and SCR Particulates removal:ESP Isogo New Unit 2 uses ReACT specifically for multi-pollutant control, including mercury USC, tower boiler, opposed wall firing, international bituminous coal and Japanese coals, warm sea water
Huaneng Yuhuan 4x 1000MWe USC coal fired power plant
Sasan UMPP, Madhya Pradesh Reliance Power, 6 x 660 MW supercritical units MPa/565/593 Plant connected to the grid in September 2012
HELE coal-fired power generation
What are HELE technologies? (HELE=high Efficiency Low Emissions) Reduce non-GHG emissionsReduce CO 2 emissions*Efficiency improvement* Efficiency improvement reduces specific fuel consumption and also reduces specific pollutant emissions. HELECCS
Age distribution of existing power plants Ageing infrastructure is the challenge in many OECD countries. Emerging economies have a growing demand for electricity.
Decrease generation from subcriticalInstall CCS* on plants over supercritical Increase generation from high-efficiency technology (SC or better) Global coal-fired electricity generation (TWh) Supercritical HELE Plants with CCS* USC Subcritical *CCS (Post-combustion, Oxyfuel, Pre-combustion CO 2 capture) IGCC Improve efficiency, then deploy CCS * CCS fitted to SC (or better) units. Three processes essential to achieve a low-carbon scenario
Share of CCS (1=100%) Efficiency improvement CO 2 abatement by CCS Share of CCS Average CO 2 intensity factor in 2DS (gCO 2 /kWh) 33% 34% 37% 42% 43% Raising efficiency significantly reduces the CO 2 /kWh emitted. Efficiency in 2DS Impact of efficiency improvement on CO 2 abatement
Data for hard coal-fired power plants from VGB 2007; data for lignite plants from C Henderson, IEA Clean Coal Centre; efficiencies are LHV,net CO 2 emission reduction by key technologies Energy Efficiency makes big change but deep cuts of CO 2 emission can be done only by Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) >2030 but deep cuts only by CCS Average worldwide hard coal 33% 1015 gCO 2 /kWh 38% 881 gCO 2 /kWh EU av hard coal 47% 711 gCO 2 /kWh State-of-the art PC/IGCC hard coal 50% 669 gCO 2 /kWh Advanced R&D Hard coal gCO2/kWh Latrobe Valley lignite (Australia) % 1400 gCO 2 /kWh EU state-of- the-art lignite 43-44% 930 gCO 2 /kWh 55% 740 gCO 2 /kWh Advanced lignite
The challenge of advanced USC Nickel-based super-alloys will enable plant components to withstand temperatures of 700ºC and beyond. Boiler tube/piping Steam turbine rotor/shaft Generator ~ Boiler Steam turbine °C 700°C/ MPa °C - Nickel-based super-alloys - Ferrite/Austenitic alloys
Current state of A-USC technology National programme Steam temperature Efficiency (LHV, net ) Programme start date Demonstration plant operational by (size) Also includes: EU 700ºC>50% (500 MWe) Coatings, biomass co-firing, cycling USA 760ºC 45-47% (HHV, net) (600 MWe) Oxyfuel, coatings, high sulphur coal Japan 700ºC>50% (600 MW)Biomass co-firing China 700ºC46-50% (660 MWe)- India 700ºC>50% (800 MWe)-
The steam cycle is optimised for maximum efficiency. Advanced lignite pre-drying in pulverised coal combustion RWE Power Vattenfall Moisture reduction important for some coals
Drax is a pioneer in biomass direct injection technology New 500MW co-firing facility is largest in the world Capacity to co-fire >1.5m tonnes pellets per year 24 Drax Power in UK - 500MW Co-firing Facility
Puertollano IGCC power plant and pilot plant location PRENFLO Gasifier Coal preparation Sulphur Recovery Combined Cycle New CO 2 capture pilot plant ASU Pilot plant general view IGCC power plant general view PSE-CO 2 project : CO 2 Capture Pilot Plant Courtesy of Elcogas
GCCSI – Report 2013 As reported in Power Engineering magazine
GCCSI – Summary Report 2013 Contribution of CCS to CO2 emissions reduction
GCCSI - Summary Report 2013 Costs of CO2 avoided in Power Sector
GCCSI – Summary Report 2013 LSIPS Progress since 2010