Integrating Imhotep with existing Software and Hardware at NMGRL Jake Ross Bremen, Germany 3/29/11 New Mexico Geochronology Research Laboratory New Mexico Tech
Components Prep System Mass Spectrometer Database Data Processing Software DAQ Software Prep System Software Mass Spec. Software
Model 1 Prep System Mass Spectrometer Database Data Processing Routines DAQ Routines Prep System Routines Mass Spec. Routines Al Deino’s Mass Spec Software Computer
Model 1 Prep System Mass Spectrometer Database Data Processing Routines DAQ Routines Prep System Routines Mass Spec. Routines Imhotep CSV Software Computer
Model 2 Prep System Mass Spectrometer DAQ Routines Prep System Routines Mass Spec. Routines Imhotep CSV Database or filesystem Data Processing Routines Software Computer
Model 3 Prep System Mass Spectrometer Data Processing Routines DAQ Routines Prep System Routines Mass Spec. Routines Hardware specific DAQ Routines Manager Worker Manager Mass SpecImhotep Pychron MySQL Database Software Computer
MySQL Model 3 Prep System Mass Spectrometer Database Data Processing Routines DAQ Routines Prep System Routines Mass Spec. Routines Hardware specific DAQ Routines Manager Worker Mass SpecImhotep Pychron Software Computer
Pychron-Imhotep Interface Pychron RemoteHardware Server Hardware Panel –Switch Panel Item DIO –Associated C# script
Pychron Python (EPD) Enthought Tool Suite Rapid prototyping Framework Flexible, extensible and configurable Hardware Control –USB, RS232/485, LAN (TCP or UDP) Full featured Photon Machines interface
Photon Machines Fusions
RemoteHardwareServer TCP/UDP server –Python Standard Library (SocketServer) Minimal GUI
Hardware Panel
Valve Protocol 1.Hardware Panel Switch SetParameter() 2.Imhotep hardware script Open [Valve Name] 3.RemoteHardwareServer Repeat command to Pychron 4.Pychron Parse command and act OPEN A ==> Rout:301 OPEN 5.Aglient or arduino valve actuator Actuate valve Return status Imhotep RHS Pychron Device TCP IPC USB RS-485 RS-232
Mac Mini LAN Imhotep Valve AValve B RemoteHardwareServer Pychron TCPServer Hardware Agilent/Arduino GP act. Prep System Dell Mac Pro Mass Spectrometer Hardware Electronics IPC Mass Spec CO2UVDiode
Mac Mini LAN Imhotep Valve AValve B RemoteHardwareServer Pychron TCPServer Hardware Agilent/Arduino GP act. Prep System Dell Mac Pro Mass Spectrometer Hardware Electronics IPC Mass Spec CO2UVDiode
Unix Socket, TCP and RS232 N trials = 500 Min = 18.8 ms Mean = ms std =3.41 Max = ms baud Time (ms) frequency
Jake Ross New Mexico Tech / NMGRL API (out of date) or
MDD Plugin
Mac Mini LAN Imhotep Valve AValve B RemoteHardwareServer Pychron TCPServer Hardware Agilent/Arduino GP act. Prep System Dell Mac Pro Mass Spectrometer Hardware Electronics IPC Mass Spec CO2UVDiode
N trials = 1000 Min = 2.54 ms Mean = 2.97 ms std =0.597 Max = ms Time (ms) frequency RHSPychron Unix Socket
Mac Mini LAN Imhotep Valve AValve B RemoteHardwareServer Pychron TCPServer Hardware Agilent/Arduino GP act. Prep System Dell Mac Pro Mass Spectrometer Hardware Electronics IPC Mass Spec CO2UVDiode
N trials = 500 Min = 2.14 ms Mean = 3.80 ms std =2.18 Max = ms Time (ms) frequency RHSPychronClient TCP Unix Socket and TCP LAN UNIX
Unix and TCP no logging N trials = 1000 Min = 1.96 ms Mean = 2.69 ms std = 0.48 Max = 5.46 ms Time (ms) frequency
N trials = 1000 Min = 0.11 ms Mean = 0.37 ms std = 0.67 Max = ms Shared Memory IPC Time (ms) frequency
N trials = 1000 Min = 3.77 ms Mean = 6.27 ms std =3.15 Max = ms Time (ms) frequency RHSPychronClient localhost Unix Socket and TCP