ICT Agency of Sri Lanka A Collaborative Approach to ICT for Disability
Our Goal is to ensure that the benefits of ICT reach disadvantaged sections of Society Our Strategy is to: Partner state and pvt. sector organizations and NGOs with specific expertise in given subject Implement a grant programme to develop and implement ICT applications of value to society. Building an e – Society
Local Language DAISY Digital talking books 200 local language and 500 English DAISY Digital Talking Books including O/L Text books Books contain audio with navigation and bookmark functionality Books produced by sighted/blind students working in pairs
Local Sign Language Local sign language dictionary - words displayed with static pictures and videos of sign and lip movements e-Learning local sign language course for students and caregivers for teachers Approved by National Institute of Education
Reading local newspapers online in Braille Unicode Sinhala text automatically converted to Braille on a Braille display Voice menu allows navigation to various sections of the newspaper General purpose conversion engine also used for Braille embossing printers
Local Language e learning for hearing impaired Purpose is to increase vocabulary of in first year of school Develop writing skills by animation of letter writing Grade 1 and 2 software currently deployed in two schools – one urban, one rural
Information Accessibility Typing Tutor for Braille Keyboards Braille to local language sending/ receiving - Kids type in Braille, parents receive in local language - Local language responses converted to Braille
Several pilots projects now completed successfully ICTA and its partners are seeking to disseminate outcome widely Software and content is free of charge Replication
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