9th Grade Guidance Road to Graduation and Beyond Class of 2018 Class of 2018
What are we doing today? 1. PowerPoint 2. Complete our Graduation High School and Beyond Plan 3. If Time -Career Interest Survey 1. PowerPoint 2. Complete our Graduation High School and Beyond Plan 3. If Time -Career Interest Survey
Credits and How they Work / Students earn.50 credit per semester per class. / If I pass 6 classes, I will earn ____credits each semester. / I will earn ____credits each year / I need ______ credits for graduation. / Students earn.50 credit per semester per class. / If I pass 6 classes, I will earn ____credits each semester. / I will earn ____credits each year / I need ______ credits for graduation.
Graduation Vocabulary / HSBP= High School and Beyond Plan Course selection Post High School Plan / PPR= Personal Pathway Will guide your course selection. /H/HSBP= High School and Beyond Plan Course selection Post High School Plan / PPR= Personal Pathway Will guide your course selection.
Graduation Requirements / English---4 credits / History---3 credits / English---4 credits / History---3 credits (!0 th graders take English 10 CWP-1.0 Civics-.50/(Health) US History-1.0 Senior Soc Stud-.50
Grad Requirements / Science ---3 credits / Math Credits / CTE credit / Fine Arts---1 credit / Science ---3 credits / Math Credits / CTE credit / Fine Arts---1 credit (Biology, Chem, Physics or Physical Science) (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2) +1 of PPR Personal Pathway Requirement as defined by HSBP +1 of PPR-Same as above
Graduation Requirements / PE = 1.5 Credits / Health =.50 Credit / PE = 1.5 Credits / Health =.50 Credit
Other Graduation Reqs State Exams 1. Smarter Balance 2. EOC Alg 1 or Geom 3. EOC Biology -Culminating Project (PPR) High School And Beyond Plan (Complete today!) WA State History (completed in 7th grade) or see Mr. Kurz
PE Waivers / Students may waive up to 1.0 credit of PE for a school sport or out of school activity / Restrictions: No TA, Office Aide, Late Arrival/Early Release / See your counselor / Students may waive up to 1.0 credit of PE for a school sport or out of school activity / Restrictions: No TA, Office Aide, Late Arrival/Early Release / See your counselor
Transcripts and Grad List / Distribute transcripts
What If I need Credits or Help? / After school Monday-Thursday from 2:45-5:00 PM: (1) Library---Tutor Help (2) CTE Computer Lab----APEX (online credit retrieval) / After school Monday-Thursday from 2:45-5:00 PM: (1) Library---Tutor Help (2) CTE Computer Lab----APEX (online credit retrieval)
What is my HSBP? / Technical College (BTC) / Community College (WCC) / 4 Year University (WWU) / Military / Apprenticeships / Work / Technical College (BTC) / Community College (WCC) / 4 Year University (WWU) / Military / Apprenticeships / Work
Technical College 1-2 Yr Degrees / Automotive, Nursing, Dental Assistant, Radiology, Instrumentation, HVAC, Vet Assistant, Computer Tech, Auto Body, etc.
Community College 1-2 Yr Programs / Two Different Pathways: / Transfer Degree: After 2 years transfer to a university for last 2 years / Technical Degree: Nursing, Physical Therapy Assistant, Legal Assistant, Criminal Justice (Police work), Cyber- Technology, Firefighter, etc. / Two Different Pathways: / Transfer Degree: After 2 years transfer to a university for last 2 years / Technical Degree: Nursing, Physical Therapy Assistant, Legal Assistant, Criminal Justice (Police work), Cyber- Technology, Firefighter, etc.
4 Year University / Public Universities Public: WWU, U of W, Central, Eastern, WSU, and Evergreen Private: UPS, PLU, Whitman, Seattle U, Gonzaga, Whitworth, DigiPen, Northwestern, etc. / Public Universities Public: WWU, U of W, Central, Eastern, WSU, and Evergreen Private: UPS, PLU, Whitman, Seattle U, Gonzaga, Whitworth, DigiPen, Northwestern, etc.
Apprenticeships Apprenticeships / ElectriciansPainters / CarpentersRoofers / BoilermakersGlaziers / Construction TradesMachinists / Cement Masons / Plumbers and Pipefitters / Heavy Equipment Mechanics / Line Installers and Repairers / ElectriciansPainters / CarpentersRoofers / BoilermakersGlaziers / Construction TradesMachinists / Cement Masons / Plumbers and Pipefitters / Heavy Equipment Mechanics / Line Installers and Repairers
Military / Speak with a Recruiter / ASVAB Test / Academies-- Need to prepare during Junior Year / Speak with a Recruiter / ASVAB Test / Academies-- Need to prepare during Junior Year
How do I get Admitted? / Technical College High School Diploma / Community College High School Diploma / Military High School Diploma / Technical College High School Diploma / Community College High School Diploma / Military High School Diploma / 4 Year University 1. 2+years World Language (same) 2. Chemistry and/or Physics 3. SAT/ACT Test
WOIS / WOIS = HSBP = Graduation Requirement (Washington Occupational Informational System) / Code: MHS2013 / WOIS = HSBP = Graduation Requirement (Washington Occupational Informational System) / Code: MHS2013
Directions / Create Portfolio / Go to Portfolio and click on “Graduation Checklist” Save to Desktop / Go To High School And Beyond Plan / Walk through together / Create Portfolio / Go to Portfolio and click on “Graduation Checklist” Save to Desktop / Go To High School And Beyond Plan / Walk through together