How to make use of that expensive analyzer you just bought
Effective RF Suppressors
100nh moulded inductor
1 uh moulded inductor
43 Material Ferrite bead (3 turns)
Laird Ferrite Core 28b (2 turns)
Laird Ferrite Core 28b (3 turns)
Laird Ferrite Core 28b (4 turns)
Laird Ferrite Core 28b (4 turns)
Laird Ferrite Core 28b (2 turns)
Laird Ferrite Core 28b (4 turns)
Antenna Relays
These are great relays to use if you have the budget for them
OK but I like to save $. I want to use one of these relays
Receive configuration
Transmit configuration
Return loss (SWR)
Compensation for VSWR (2 meters and below)
Return loss (SWR) VSWR (return loss) is another problem that gets worse as the frequency increases Uncompensated 5pf added across NO and NC contacts
Common port terminated in 50z Common port open One of the biggest issues with these relays at VHF is isolation The highest useful band appears to be 6 meters Isolation
Compensation for poor isolation
Compensation Compensation allows us to use this relay at 2 meters Isolation (uncompensated) Isolation (compensated with 650 nh) Return loss (compensated with 5pf shunt)