CIP 2010 Michelle Coon NCES, Postsecondary Studies Division John Milam
Process of Updating CIP STAGE 1- Background Research Reviewed last three years of IPEDS Completions Data Looked at responses from IPEDS keyholders on the completions survey for programs which were classified as “other” For all 2 digit series, and select 4 digit series, looked at course catalogs for the 10 institutions that produced the most completions for a series Mapped their course catalogs onto the CIP and looked for possible new programs Reviewed other data sets, such as the College Board’s Annual Survey of Colleges, NSF’s Survey of Earned Doctorates 2
STAGE 2 Soliciting input NCES conducted an on-line survey of IPEDS keyholders Survey asked keyholders to submit suggestions for new instructional programs and provide a brief justification for why the program should be added Solicited suggestions for new instructional programs from federal statistical agencies that use the CIP, such as NSF, NIH, NASA, Department of Agriculture, Department of Education, Statistics Canada 3
STAGE 3 Evaluating Suggestions Reviewed each of the suggestions for a new code to make sure it did not already exist Researched each of the suggestions To be considered as a new code it had to meet one of the three criteria: Exist in 10 postsecondary institutions If did not exist in 10 postsecondary institutions, show evidence of it clearly being a growing, emerging field Be requested by a federal or state agency 4
STAGE 4 CIP Technical Review Panel Representatives from federal agencies, state agencies, and postsecondary institutions met in Washington DC for 2 days in June 2008 Reviewed over 300 suggestions for new CIP codes Provided recommendations on what changes to make 5
What’s new in CIP 2010? 50 new 4 digit CIP codes 300 new 6 digit codes Reorganized series 23, 42, 51.16, 60 Added examples of instructional programs Deleted series 21 New CIP User Site CIP Wizard CIP Selector 6
Series 23-English Language and Literature Series 23 was streamlined into four 4 digit series Consists of following series: English Language and Literature, General Rhetoric and Composition/Writing Studies Creative Writing Professional, Technical, Business and Scientific Writing Rhetoric and Composition Literature General Literature American Literature Children’s and Adolescent Literature English Language and Literature/Letters, Other 7
Series 42- Psychology Psychology, General Research and Experimental Psychology Cognitive Psychology Comparative Psychology Developmental and Child Psychology Experimental Psychology Personality Psychology Physiological Psychology/Psychobiology Social Psychology Psychometric and Quantitative Psychology Psychopharmacology Psychology, Other Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology Clinical Psychology Community Psychology Counseling Psychology Industrial and Organizational Psychology School Psychology Educational Psychology Clinical Child Psychology Environmental Psychology Geropsychology Health/Medical Psychology Family Psychology Forensic Psychology Applied Psychology Applied Behavior Analysis 8
Reorganization of Nursing Series Series Registered Nursing Nursing Administration Adult Health Nurse/Nursing Nurse Anesthetist Family Practice Nurse/Nursing Maternal/Child Health and Neonatal Nurse/Nursing Nurse Midwife/Nursing Midwifery Nursing Science Pediatric Nurse/Nursing Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Public Health Nursing Nursing Practice Clinical Nurse Leader Emergency Room Nursing Palliative Care Nursing Series Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training Nursing Assistant/Aide and Nursing Assistants, Other 9
Series 60- Residency Programs Medical Residency Programs- General Certificates Family Medicine General Surgery Internal Medicine Neurology Ophthalmology Orthopedic –Medical Residency Programs- Subspecialty Program – All require completion of a previous general residency – Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology – Forensic Pathology – Geriatric Psychiatry 10
Examples Added to 2010 CIP Intended to show related or alternate names for 6 digit CIP codes Examples are intended to be illustrative and not prescriptive Behavioral Aspects of Health. (New) A program that focuses on the biological, behavioral, and socio-cultural determinants of health and health behavior, and the interventions and policies aimed at improving community and population health. Includes instruction in behavioral sciences, public health practice and policy, human services, and research methods. Examples: - Behavioral Health - Biobehavioral Health - Health and Social Behavior - Health Behavior 11
Redesigned CIP Website Capabilities include: Ability to browse entire CIP Advanced search capabilities Crosswalk 2000 and 2010 CIP Download copies of CIP as Word document or Excel spreadsheet Browse Frequently Asked Questions Contact NCES 12
Browse Function in CIP Website 13
Crosswalk 15
Crosswalk of Series 14 16
Search Capabilities 17
Search Results 18
CIP Resources 19
More CIP Resources 20
Word Version of CIP 21
Excel Version of CIP 22
Contacting NCES 23
CIP Wizard Designed to help users see codes used by an institution for last three completions survey Crosswalks old codes with new CIP codes Shows whether code has been: Added Moved Deleted Change in title or definition Identifies new codes that may be of interest to user Based on previously used 4 digit series Based on previously used 2 digit series 24
CIP Wizard Reports 25
Summary report 26
Summary Report 27
Summary Report 28
Summary Report 29
Custom Report 30
Custom Report- Select Codes by Number 31
Custom Reports- Select by Title 32
Custom Report Output 33
CIP Selector Intended to help user find the CIP Code which best describes their instructional program Limited to CIP codes which are included on CIP Completions Surveys (No series 28,32-37, 53 and 60) Group CIP codes into broad categories Asks user a series of questions to help them narrow down the choices Returns a set of suggested codes 34
CIP Selector Questions 1 and 2 35
CIP Selector Questions
Selector Questions 5 and 6 37
Selector Results 38