1 Disabled Student Support Mechanisms at MMU: Learner Development Service Anna Charles-Jones Learning Development Adviser
Who are we? Main base at All Saints Nahida – Manager Anna, Gill, Irene, Kate, Nicki, Rose – Advisers (4.4 FTE) Eve,Phillippa & Sam – Admin Team Smaller office at MMU Cheshire Jude & Vikki – Advisers (1.1 FTE) Kathryn – Student Services Administrator
What do we do? Comprehensive advice, assessment and support service for disabled students including the production of Personal Learning Plans Group dyslexia screenings & onward referral to Educational Psychologist Advisory support for staff on student-related disability issues Staff development and training
4 What constitutes disability? A physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities. Adjustments for students with temporary injuries are at the discretion of their academic department not Learner Development.
2005/062006/072007/082008/09 Dyslexia Visual Impairment33 46 Hearing Impairment Mobility/ Physical Mental Health Unseen Multiple Disabilities Total Disabled Students at MMU
6 What to do if a student discloses a disability? Disclosure guidelines & authorisation form: gsupport/pdf/Disclosure%20guidelines.pdf
When to refer Students needing a dyslexia screening Students who disclose a disability Students needing a review of their support When you are unsure i.e. if in doubt refer! (Drop-In Adviser)
MMU Institutional Support Procedure Student completes disclosure and data protection form Has the student got evidence of their disability? NoStudent to bring in evidence Yes Student to see adviser to complete Personal Learning Plan Personal Learning Plan sent to Student Life Office / Exams Officer / Library & copy to student
Disabled Students’ Allowances Student completes DSA1 form during PLP appointment Receives Eligibility Letter (*Student Finance Exec delays) Attend Access Summit for assessment of specific support needs Assessor writes up report Report sent to Funding body Await approval Order equipment and arrange support workers
Specialist Equipment: Dictaphones, Computers loaded with specialist software etc. Non Medical Helpers : Note Taker, Study Coach, British Sign Language Interpreter etc. General Allowances: Allowances for non-core books, photocopying and Printer Cartridges etc. Travel: Reimbursing additional disability-related costs. Access Summit: Our local assessment centre where the needs of disabled students are assessed. Support linked to Disabled Students’ Allowances
Departmental Disability Coordinators: An academic member of staff that coordinates the support for disabled students within the department Faculty Disability Contacts: Coordinate the administration of the personal learning plan process and examination requirements Faculty Student Support Officers: provide support for all students including study skills Careers & Employability Service: Employment advice for disabled students Counselling Service: eg: counselling for students with mental health difficulties Other Support Roles
12 How to contact us Learner Development Service, 1 st Floor All Saints Building Tel: Website: Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 8.45am-4pm