June 2013 Updates: It’s always high drama with Alma around!
Alma is quite a character... Full of beans is one way of putting it...
Generally speaking, she is a constantly jolly kid with a sunny personality, but this month we had some frustration infused tantrums that earned her an Oscar nomination... At least!
Luckily they don’t last more than a few minutes and very quickly she can be distracted and turned from a sobbing blob to a ball of giggles with a joke...
Flexi-girl in action...
Alma is having a great time at “Little Groovers” day care, with her lovely teacher Lorraine. Left: inside the family day care Bottom right: typing away on the cute desk Top right: they learned some sign language this month. In this photo, Alma is signing” Octopus”. She picked up the signing really fast and accurate, and it helped her with learning English words as well. We found a book about Braille and colours at the library to show the kids at day care.
Alma doesn’t play on her own much, but when she does, she always finds something interesting to do...
Enjoying an authentic 80’s toy Alma enjoyed this book of game boards very much
Having fun with a balloon while Hahgoot is in school
Improving her maths skills and gross motor skills (jumping, balancing and hopping) in one go, while giggling!
In our next presentation: Alma can concentrate while sitting down on many things!