National Week of Deaf People 2012 Deafaccess Gippsland Sign Bilingualism is a Human Right
What is Auslan? Auslan is the sign language of the Australian Deaf community. Auslan is NOT English. Auslan is NOT a signed version of English. Auslan is the PRIMARY or PREFERRED language of the majority of Deaf people.
It is a basic Human Right to have access to information in a way that you can understand.
Auslan Interpreters are a vital link between Deaf and hearing community
Auslan Interpreters for: Job interviews. Training. Parent – Teacher interviews. Medical appointments. Bank – financial appointments. Community events. Bushfire and other emergency information. AND MUCH MORE
How to provide a service that is communication accessible: Be National Relay Service – NRS friendly. Provide hearing assistance at reception. EG: Hearing Loops Consider learning some basic Auslan. Learn how to book Auslan Interpreters. Learn how to work with Auslan Interpreters.
How to plan an event that is communication accessible: PLAN AHEAD! Budget for Auslan Interpreters. Provide hearing assistance, Microphones, Hearing Loops etc. Engage the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community.
All seems too hard?? Consider that this is the everyday struggle of the Deaf community. Remember that access to communication is a basic Human Right. Talk to deafaccess Gippsland for more information……
Dale Reddick Gippsland Regional Co-ordinator, P.O. Box 9314,SALE, Victoria, 3853 Voice: Mobile / sms: NRS:
Useful websites: Vicdeaf: ASLIA – Australian Sign Language Interpreters’ Association Deaf Australia Inc. Deaf Victoria