UNIT 6 The Senses
Turn to page 51 of the Pupil’s Book What are the people in the pictures doing? What parts of their bodies are they using? He is tasting the food. He is using his tongue. She is touching the cat. She is using her hand. He is listening to the radio. He is using his ears. He is looking. He is using his eyes. She is smelling the flowers. She is using her nose. Think of two things each sense helps us to do. The sense of taste helps us to taste food and enjoy it. The sense of touch helps us to know hot things and cold things. The sense of hearing helps us to listen to the Quran and to people. The sense of sight helps us to read and to see people. The sense of smell helps us to smell flowers and perfumes.
X Verbs Dynamic Verbs Stative Verbs I drink tea every day I like coffee I am drinking tea now I am liking coffee. X Examples: read, eat, write, go, run, fight, swim Examples: prefer, enjoy, love, feel sound, smell, taste
Stative Verbs Feelings Opinions I like walking barefoot The sand feels soft I prefer this idea It sounds more interesting I enjoy going to the beach The air smells fresh I don’t like sea water It tastes salty I love collecting seashells They look beautiful Noun Adjective
Note The verbs “smell, taste, look “ can be stative or dynamic The food smells good. Sea water tastes salty. The cars look beautiful. Dynamic: He is smelling the flowers. She is tasting the food. He is looking at the car.
VOCABULARY senses sight / see / eyes hearing / hear / ears smell / smell / nose taste / taste / tongue touch / touch / skin/ hand stative verb like prefer enjoy don’t like love
feel sound smell taste look VOCABULARY I feel happy feel The carpet feels soft I can hear the sound sound The idea sounds good Dogs have a good sense of smell There is a good smell in the restaurant smell I can smell the food The rice smells good ! Children have a strong sense of taste taste This bread has a sweet taste I will taste the food before I buy it Mmm! The sandwich tastes good! If you look, you will see the car look The car looks good
Match a sentence in A with a sentence in B Match a sentence in A with a sentence in B. Then complete the sentences in B with a stative verb: A B 1- I like your new dress. ( ) They ……........................................…… awful. 2- I didn’t like the sandwiches. ( ) It ………………………….………. so soft. 3- I prefer this new air freshener. ( ) It ……………………………… good on you. 4- I love this bedcover. ( ) It ………………….…………. like fun. 5- I enjoy walking in the rain. ( )The room ……........................ really nice. 2 tasted 4 feels 1 looks 5 sounds 3 smells
Complete the graphic organizer The Five Senses Sight Hearing Smell Taste Touch Give your body information using Eyes Ears Nose Tongue Skin red big quiet rotten sour hot smooth colours blue loud fresh bitter hard round bright noisy sweet rough square small salty soft cold Use the adjectives in the box below to fill the columns above: red, big, sour, hot, smooth, hard, colours, quiet, blue, bitter, rough, loud, soft, sweet, rotten, round, fresh, noisy, bright, square, salty, cold, small
Complete the conversation using the correct verb and adjective together: taste, smell, sound, look, feel good, bad, beautiful, soft, delicious, sweet A. This cheese ………………………… really ……………………. We must throw it away. B. Let me see. Yes, it’s expired. A. Do you think I should buy this for the baby? B. Yes, I love it. It ……………………………………………… . A. Your mom bakes great cakes. This cake …………………………really ………….…………………………. B. Yes she’s taken a course in cake decoration. A. The Kabsa is ready. Do you want to try some? B. Sure. Oh, it ………………………………………………………………………… . You’re definitely a good cook. smells bad feels soft looks beautiful tastes delicious
Write the opposites of these adjectives: X hard sweet X bitter cold X hot smooth X rough internal X external Write three words under each category. Things we can … feel hear taste smell clothes Quran food smoke air speech drinks perfume pain the radio chocolate flowers
Unscramble the letters below to discover the words used in this unit. kolo look htocu touch aer ear tetas taste ousdn sound isght sight elfe feel elsml smell
Complete the paragraph with suitable words from the box. look speak hear write use Deaf people are normal people that cannot ……………………………… . If you meet a deaf person, you must not stop and ……………………………….. at him. Deaf people can lip read. So, if you want to ……………………………..……. to them you must talk slowly and clearly. You can also ……………………………..……. a pencil and a paper to ……………………………..…….. your message.
Make sentences to describe how you use your five senses every day: hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste e.g. I use my sense of hearing ………………………………………………………….……………… . to listen to people I use my sense of sight …….……………………………………………………… to read books. I use my sense of smell …….……………………………………………………………. to smell roses. I use my sense of touch …….……………………………………………………………. to know if food is hot. I use my sense of taste …….……………………………………………………………. to enjoy eating.
Present Perfect
Irregular Verbs have had had Cut Cut cut leave left left go went gone Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle have had had Cut Cut cut leave left left go went gone make made made spend spent spent meet met met write wrote written pay paid paid run ran run read read read eat ate eaten say said said break broke broken sell sold sold do did done send sent sent see saw seen sleep slept slept become became become spoken speak spoke buy bought bought take took taken drive drove driven teach taught taught find found found tell told told give gave given know knew known
+ + + Present Perfect He, she, it has Past Participle I, You, we they have Ahmad has gone
Present Perfect Affirmative I have seen a lion. Negative I have never seen a lion. Have you ever seen a lion ? Make Yes/No Question Yes, I have. Answers No, I haven’t.
Complete the sentences with suitable verbs : have started I …………………………………………………… (start) a new course on sign language. My brother told me about it. The instructor ……………………………………..…………(teach) us some of the alphabets. There is a special hand movement for each letter of the alphabet. We ……..............................................................…… ……… (take/not) all the letters yet. But I can form a few words using the letters I ……………….………………………………………….. (learn). I …………………….………………………. (do) well so far. I never thought that learning sign language would be so interesting. has taught have not taken have learned have done
Note Past Simple Present Perfect Past Simple I have heard the news I heard the news last week. He has not found his diary yet He didn’t find his diary yesterday. Note Yesterday, last week, last year, etc. Past Simple
Complete the conversation, using the present perfect or the simple past of the verbs in parentheses: A. Excuse me, sir. We’re doing a survey, Could I ask you a few questions? B. Sure. Go ahead. A. ……………………………………………………………..…………… (visit) the Special Needs Centre? B. Yes, …………………………………………………… (be) there once. A. Why did you go there? B. I ……………………………………… (want) to visit a relative. A. How …………………………………………………… (feel) about the children? B. I really, ……………………………………… (respect) them for coping with their problems. A. How about you sir, …………………………………………………..…………………………….……… (visit) any of these centres? C. No, but my daughter has. A. Really? B. Yes, she ………………………………………………………………………… (volunteer) to work at a centre. A. Great, would you gentlemen be interested in helping out with children if you had the chance? B. We sure would. have you ever visited I have been wanted did you feel respected have you ever visited has volunteered
Note I’ve He’s She’s It’s You’ve We’ve They’ve I have He has She has It has It’s You have You’ve We have We’ve They have They’ve
What are the past participles of these verbs What are the past participles of these verbs? Are they regular or irregular? Verb Past Participle Regular Irregular be Smell feel touch have hear taste remember forget see been √ smelt √ felt √ touched √ had √ heard √ tasted √ remembered √ forgotten √ seen √
The Sound ‘ûr’ As in ‘fur’ The sound ‘ûr’ may be spelled: er ir ur ear wor er herd nerve serve term nerd ir bird firm fir ur curd hurt fur turn curl ear heard learn pearl wor word work world worse
Circle the words that have the same vowel sound as in ‘fur’ warm earth turtle dioxide nurse person beyond companion shirt learn hood third dirt good turkey hunt girl brother er ir ur ear wor
Underline the words that have the same vowel sound as in “ hurt ” My brother Wisam has worked as a clerk for three years in a garden store. Last week a burglar broke into the store. He stole turtles, purple birds and lots of worms. He left behind some dirt from his shoes and a torn shirt. My brother called the police. As soon as the burglar heard the police car, he ran away.
X Note: Have Main Verb Helping Verb have + s haves has I have a car I had a car I have eaten pizza I will have a car He has eaten pizza He has a car X have + s haves has
With best wishes UPRIGHTNESS