Robots By Erik Brandt Asimo from Honda
Robots in General Are machines that are also independent beings Are especially made for doing jobs too boring, difficult, or dangerous for humans to do P2 from Honda
Few resemble the human like robots that appear in works of science fiction These are called humanoid robots
Robot History Term robot was fist used by a Czech man named Karel Capek for his play R.U.R. Comes from the Czech word “robota” Other film makers and playwrights used the term in their own productions Coco is a test robot
scientists then created small robots programmed for very simple tasks but scientists still wanted to create humanoid robots, and succeeded Scientists then wanted to give these robots emotions, and succeeded again Dante II walking into an active volcano Cog is a highly developed humanoid robot
Robots in Science Fiction C-3PO and R2-D2 from Star Wars Robbie from The Forbidden Planet The Terminator These are a few examples of the humanoid robot images of science fiction
Robot Movement When they act, they must first do a three step process to actually complete the task at hand First step is to sense their environment The second step is to think up a plan in their computer that somehow gets their task accomplished Urbie the urban robot is used to inspect dangerous urban areas
Third step is to execute the plan Robots must follow the plan EXACTLY or the result could be hazardous Robot soccer Kismet is an emotional robot, but is never sad
Robot Sight Most have very poor sight Sight comes in two forms: edge detection and pixel Edge detection works by the robot tracing all edges in its view on its computer Notice Asimo’s large eyes. The reason for this is that it can see in a wider range.
Pixel vision is when the robot sees in little squares called pixels Pixels are usually to large to make any details noticeable
Robot Hearing To create this, the scientists must recreate the way the cilia in an ear work The problem is that they have to use metal to do so
Robots would have to be able to recognize human sounds and human languages
Robot Touch Robot needs sensitive metal to achieve a sense of touch Robot needs to know what they have contacted
A Robot’s Computer All information of sight, hearing, touch, and everything else must be processed Computer must be very intelligent and able to store lots of data
Urbie is personally my favorite robot. GO URBIE!!! Platypuses are so awesome. I’m a total Star Wars freak too. Yoda is also awesome.