Mr. Jeff Fastnacht, Superintendent Mrs. Jessica Irey, HS English Teacher Katelyn, EHS Student Ellendale Public School
Ellendale – Definitely Rural America Located in south-central North Dakota Population – 1,390 Economy – primary business is Agriculture. Poverty Rate = 18.6% Median Worker Income = $18,343 Typical Monthly Rent = $745 We are rural but we are connected Dickey Rural Networks is head quartered in Ellendale. DRN covers over 10,000 sq miles yet 100% of the homes in their service area are connected to their fiber network. DRN provides options from 5mb to 150mb (download) speed options to their customers.
Ellendale Public School Demographics Students (K-12) – % Caucasian Faculty – 35 Support Staff – 25 Ellendale School District covers 505 sq. miles which is roughly half the size of Rhode Island. Student Performance Data AYP Reading (all grades) = 84.56% Proficient Math (all grades) = 88.95% Proficient Graduation Rate = >95% Students will start as early as 7am getting on bus and commonly get home as late as 4:30pm
Technology at EPS State Supported Network Wireless covering the entire campus was put in place in a,b,g & n Every classroom teacher has available: -1 desktop computer (avg is 1.8) -Promethean board & projector -AppleTV and DVD -10/100/1000T network connections (min 3) -Elem classrooms – teacher amplification -iPad In addition: -3 Interactive Distance Classrooms -2 Computer Labs -Chromebooks for student checkout in the library -120 PCs on campus
How this impacts learning Presently 42 students are taking courses via our distance learning classrooms. Courses: Sign Language, Spanish, Intro to Ag, and Sports Marketing ND Center for Distance Ed provides online courses for our students. At the present time 17 are participating in these courses. In the fall of 2013 we provided an iPad to all students in 4 th -12 th grade. Highlights thus far are iPads deployed -5 days of teacher professional development since the spring of Implementation of an e-book system to our library (Overdrive). -24/7 learning options for our students. -Shift in instruction from rote memory to creativity and exploration. -Providing students & families with a digital learning tool that had none before.