TMISD District and Campus Improvement Plans and Budget Overview
STAAR assessment accountability measures Focus & prescriptive analysis of specific student groups Achievement of Special Education students Increased awareness of ‘At-Risk’ student status & the assurance and benefit of supplemental services Reading skills improvement Grade level transition procedures Improve professional development purpose & implementation Implementation of teaching strategies to increase student achievement College & Career: awareness of and preparedness of graduation requirements Consistent safety training for all staff and students TMISD District Improvement Plan
Early awareness of at-risk students and specific support at each grade level Implement early interventions in reading and math New monitoring procedures to better support special education students Enhance opportunities for non-English speaking parents to assist their children in reading development Improve instructional transitions from one grade level to the next Assist in providing teachers professional development opportunities that align to a common goal and purpose Consistent safety training for all staff and students PRIMARY SCHOOL Campus Improvement Plan
Total Budget - $93,225 Staff development RAPTOR security Instructional Supplies Parent Involvement (postage, etc.) PRIMARY SCHOOL Budget Overview
Re-evaluate existing instructional strategies to determine their effectiveness Comprehensive, research-based intervention instructional program and activities for all students scoring below standard Restructure intervention strategies and collaborate with new District At-Risk Coordinator, to meet the needs of the at-risk population Expand the use of various sources of student data to better meet the needs of students More frequent review of special education student profiles/IEPs Assist in providing teachers professional development opportunities that align to a common goal and purpose Consistent safety training for all staff and students INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Campus Improvement Plan
Total Budget - $88,627 Instructional technology supplies Parent involvement activities RAPTOR system Dyslexia intervention supplies Intermediate School Budget Overview
Opportunities for intervention to increase student achievement: better use of intersession for intervention and enrichment Research-based interventions for students who are performing below grade levels in math and reading. Professional development specific to address and support needs of specific student groups Prescriptive and collaborative use of data to focus instruction for specific student groups: special ed., at-risk, etc. in all core subject areas Increased awareness of high school credits and career pathways to address new graduation requirements Deliberate grade level transition activities for incoming and outgoing students Expand opportunities for student leadership and character education Consistent safety training for all staff and students MIDDLE SCHOOL Campus Improvement Plan
Total Budget - $145,668 RAPTOR security Calculators Reading tablets Attendance incentives MIDDLE SCHOOL Budget Overview
Additional intervention strategies to increase student achievement At-Risk awareness and collaboration with new Director Becoming TSI site and provide TSI tutorials to increase college readiness Address state testing requirements and Dual Credit growth with additional technology PALS program to expand opportunities for student leadership and character education Establish discipline committees to decrease escalation of offenses Attendance interventions to decrease student absences and intervene prior to reaching critical numbers Training for teachers to increase communication with parents Consistent safety training for all staff and students HIGH SCHOOL Campus Improvement Plan
Total Budget - $503,165 Library books Band equipment Additional courses (American Sign Language 2, Creative Writing, Literary Genre, DC Calculus) Theatre Arts production and equipment and supplies Enhancement of academic contests TSI testing site HIGH SCHOOL Budget Overview
End-of-Course focus of instruction and graduation Student data analysis to provide individualized instruction Increased student enrollment due to life challenges as evidenced in CNA (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) Collaborate with HS to provide TSI testing opportunities Provide opportunities for all students to take ASVAB Use pathways to better prepare students for career and college readiness Address non-academic concerns through the use of a counselor ACC Campus Improvement Plan
Total Budget - $56,159 TSI & ASVAB testing ACC Budget Overview
Community and Student Engagement Evaluation 2015
Community & Parent Involvement EXEMPLARY Fine Arts EXEMPLARY Wellness & Physical Education EXEMPLARY 21st Century Workforce Development EXEMPLARY Second Language Acquisition Program EXEMPLARY Digital Learning Environment EXEMPLARY Drop-out Prevention Strategies EXEMPLARY Educational Programs for Gifted & Talented Students RECOGNIZED Compliance with Statutory Reporting & Policy Requirements EXEMPLARY OVERALL RATING EXEMPLARY TMISD Community & Student Engagement Evaluation
Community & Parent Involvement EXEMPLARY Fine Arts EXEMPLARY Wellness & Physical Education EXEMPLARY 21st Century Workforce Development EXEMPLARY Second Language Acquisition Program EXEMPLARY Digital Learning Environment EXEMPLARY Drop-out Prevention Strategies EXEMPLARY Educational Programs for Gifted & Talented Students EXEMPLARY Compliance with Statutory Reporting & Policy Requirements EXEMPLARY OVERALL RATING EXEMPLARY PRIMARY SCHOOL Community & Student Engagement Evaluation
Community & Parent Involvement EXEMPLARY Fine Arts EXEMPLARY Wellness & Physical Education EXEMPLARY 21st Century Workforce Development EXEMPLARY Second Language Acquisition Program EXEMPLARY Digital Learning Environment EXEMPLARY Drop-out Prevention Strategies EXEMPLARY Educational Programs for Gifted & Talented Students EXEMPLARY Compliance with Statutory Reporting & Policy Requirements EXEMPLARY OVERALL RATING EXEMPLARY INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Community & Student Engagement Evaluation
Community & Parent Involvement RECOGNIZED Fine Arts EXEMPLARY Wellness & Physical Education EXEMPLARY 21st Century Workforce Development EXEMPLARY Second Language Acquisition Program EXEMPLARY Digital Learning Environment RECOGNIZED Drop-out Prevention Strategies RECOGNIZED Educational Programs for Gifted & Talented Students RECOGNIZED Compliance with Statutory Reporting & Policy Requirements EXEMPLARY OVERALL RATING RECOGNIZED MIDDLE SCHOOL Community & Student Engagement Evaluation
Community & Parent Involvement EXEMPLARY Fine Arts EXEMPLARY Wellness & Physical Education EXEMPLARY 21st Century Workforce Development EXEMPLARY Second Language Acquisition Program EXEMPLARY Digital Learning Environment EXEMPLARY Drop-out Prevention Strategies EXEMPLARY Educational Programs for Gifted & Talented Students EXEMPLARY Compliance with Statutory Reporting & Policy Requirements EXEMPLARY OVERALL RATING EXEMPLARY HIGH SCHOOL Community & Student Engagement Evaluation
Community & Parent Involvement EXEMPLARY Fine Arts EXEMPLARY Wellness & Physical Education EXEMPLARY 21st Century Workforce Development EXEMPLARY Second Language Acquisition Program EXEMPLARY Digital Learning Environment EXEMPLARY Drop-out Prevention Strategies EXEMPLARY Educational Programs for Gifted & Talented Students EXEMPLARY Compliance with Statutory Reporting & Policy Requirements EXEMPLARY OVERALL RATING EXEMPLARY ACC Community & Student Engagement Evaluation