B659: Principles of Intelligent Robot Motion Kris Hauser TA: Mark Wilson
An intelligent robot must be able to coordinate its own motions in order to achieve certain goals
Coordinating motion demands intelligence How do cognition, learning, and reflex interact to produce intelligent behavior? How do we encode this in a robot?
Two (or Three) Core Problems Planning: choosing present behavior to attain future goals Sensing: making meaningful interpretations from raw data Models are the underlying “knowledge” that are used for drawing conclusions about past, present, and future
Intelligent Robot Architecture Percept (raw sensor data) Action ?
Intelligent Robot Architecture Percept (raw sensor data) Action Sensing Planning
Intelligent Robot Architecture Percept (raw sensor data) Action Sensing algorithms Models Planning State estimation Mapping Tracking Calibration Object recognition …
Intelligent Robot Architecture Percept (raw sensor data) Action Sensing algorithms Models Real-Time Control Task PlanningMotion Planning
Planning Topics Motion planning Compute high-level strategies, e.g.: Geometric pathsGeometric paths Time-parameterized trajectoriesTime-parameterized trajectories Sequence of sensor-based motion commandsSequence of sensor-based motion commands To achieve high-level goals, e.g.: Go from A to B while avoiding obstaclesGo from A to B while avoiding obstacles Assemble product PAssemble product P Build a map of environment EBuild a map of environment E Find object OFind object O
Planning Topics (cont.) Feedback Control Compute (or verify) a real-time strategy for responding to deviations from the desired path
Sensing Topics State estimation Calibrating the parameters of static models using motion Cameras and motion captureCameras and motion capture System identificationSystem identification Filtering and estimating dynamic models State estimation and sensor fusionState estimation and sensor fusion Localization and mappingLocalization and mapping Learning from demonstration
Modeling Topics Rigid transformations Kinematics and inverse kinematics Dynamics of articulated structures Cameras and laser rangefinders
Relationship to AI “Sub-symbolic” intelligence Continuous domains Computationally complex: basic problems are in PSPACE
Goals of the Class Present formal and practical algorithmic and mathematical tools for interpreting and synthesizing motion Components of a general framework for designing and studying complex robotic and biological agents
This class does NOT cover… Lagrangian mechanics Rigid body simulation Control theory Numerical optimization Computer vision … but makes use of knowledge from these subjects
Fundamental question of motion planning Are the two given points connected by a path? Forbidden region Feasible space
Fundamental question of motion planning Are the two given points connected by a path? Forbidden region Feasible space e.g.: collision with obstacle lack of stability lost visibility with target …
Basic Problem Statement: Compute a collision-free path for a rigid or articulated object among static obstacles Inputs: Geometry of moving object and obstaclesGeometry of moving object and obstacles Kinematics of moving object (degrees of freedom)Kinematics of moving object (degrees of freedom) Initial and goal configurations (placements)Initial and goal configurations (placements) Output: Continuous sequence of collision-free robot configurations connecting the initial and goal configurations
Why is this hard?
Tool: Configuration Space Problems: Geometric complexity Space dimensionality
Some Variants Moving obstacles Multiple robots Movable objects Assembly planning Goal is to acquire information by sensing Model buildingModel building Object finding/trackingObject finding/tracking InspectionInspection Nonholonomic constraints Dynamic constraints Stability constraints Optimal planning Uncertainty in model, control and sensing Exploiting task mechanics (sensorless motions, under- actuated systems) Physical models and deformable objects Integration of planning and control Integration with higher-level planning
HRP-2, AIST, Japan Humanoid Robots
Lunar Vehicle (ATHLETE, NASA/JPL)
Climbing Robot
Design for Manufacturing and Servicing General Electric General Motors
Manipulation of Deformable Objects
Assembly Sequencing
Assembly Seqencing
Cable Harness/Pipe Design
Where to move next? Map Building
Navigation Through Virtual Environments
Computer-Assisted Angiography/ Colonoscopy/ Bronchoscopy
CyberKnife (Accuray) Radiosurgical Planning
Kineo Transportation of A380 Fuselage through Small Villages
Inhibitor binding to HIV protease Study of Motion of Bio-Molecules
Prerequisites Ability and willingness to complete a significant programming project on a simulation GUI or physical robot Interest in reading and discussing research papers each week Subjects: linear algebra*, multivariable calculus, geometry, probability Basic knowledge and taste for geometry, mathematical analysis, and algorithms
Book Principles of Robot Motion (Choset, Hutchinson, Kantor, Burgard, Kavraki, and Thrun)
Grading Participation: read readings, attend class prepared to discuss readings Presentation(s): read and understand research paper, and make 20 min PPT presentation to class Semester-long project
Semester Project Topic of your choosing, advised and approved by instructor Groups of 1-3 students Schedule Proposal (Feb.)Proposal (Feb.) Mid term report / discussion (March)Mid term report / discussion (March) Final presentation (end of April)Final presentation (end of April)
Project Ideas Robot chess Finding and tracking people indoors UI for assistive robot arms Analysis of human observation data (Prof. Yu) Outdoor vehicle navigation (Prof. Johnson) Motion in social contexts (Profs. Scheutz and Sabanovic)
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