UMW Enrollment & Revenue We predict flat enrollment by end of fall semester. No expenditure adjustment necessary because FTE will be above budget target. We have a history and philosophy of not over-estimating enrollment. FY 10 ACTUAL FY 11 ACTUAL FY 12 ACTUAL FY 13 ACTUAL FY 14 BUDGET Resident9811,0531,0761,1181,080 WUE Non-resident TOTAL1,2551,3611,3661,4391,375 Undergraduate1,2551,3611,3661,4391,375 Graduate00000 TOTAL1,2551,3611,3661,4391,375 NATHAN BOLL
UMW Expenditures/FTE Montana Western metrics have not appreciably changed over the last several years. We utilize the metrics to set the beginning budget and to inform the next one. During the year we manage to the most important issues and strategic needs of the campus. We regularly track meaningful data as we make decisions. FY 10 ACTUAL FY 11 ACTUAL FY 12 ACTUAL FY 13 ACTUAL FY 14 BUDGETED GROWTH RATE $9,262$9,020$9,312$9,456$10,1142.2% KINDLE MCCAULEY
UMW Expenditures by Program (%) Our actual Instructional expenditure is 0.8% below the 50% target for FY13 budgeted and 0.5% below the target for FY14 budget. We have remained close to the target for several years. We exceed the combined 70% budget target in instruction, academic support and student services in developing the annual budget. We have met that target consistently for several years. Programs FY10 Actual FY11 Actual FY12 Actual FY13 Actual FY14 Budgeted InstructionExpenditures Percent of Total $5,498, % $5,860, % $6,275, % $6,699, % $6,885, % Academic Support Expenditures Percent of Total $952, % $984, % $984, % $1,168, % $1,159, % Student Services Expenditures Percent of Total $1,648, % $1,800, % $1,744, % $1,905, % $1,927, % Institutional Support Expenditures Percent of Total $1,298, % $1,353, % $1,302, % $1,336, % $1,370, % Plant O&MExpenditures Percent of Total $1,441, % $1,482, % $1,544, % $1,671, % $1,649, % Scholarship and Fellowships Expenditures Percent of Total $783, % $794, % $867, % $825, % $914, % OtherExpenditures Percent of Total $0 0.0% $0 0.0% $0 0.0% $0 0.0% $0 0.0% TOTALExpenditures$11,623,853$12,276,301$12,720,114$13,607,720$13,906,780 BRANDON BROWN
UMW Faculty & Staff Ratios We are about the same as other campuses and the trend changes here have been due to an increase in FTE. RATIO FY 09 ACTUAL FY 10 ACTUAL FY 11 ACTUAL FY 12 ACTUAL FY 13 ACTUAL FY 13 BUDGET FY 14 BUDGET Student FTE to Contract Faculty Student FTE to Contract Admin/Pro Student FTE to Classified Employee TAMIE LAVERDURE