Warren Hills Regional Middle School “GO BLUE STREAKS” Welcome to Geography Miss McCormick Room 134
About Miss McCormick: 2 sisters Hobbies include: traveling the world, painting, food, reading, and looking through old family photos 2 cats (Josephine and Jake) and a Pomeranian (Benjamin Bean) FAVORITE season is Autumn Warren Hills graduate Graduated Centenary College with a Bachelors in History
Common questions on the first days of school: Am I in the right room? Room 134! Where am I supposed to sit? Students will be instructed to sit in an assigned seat. Will my teacher treat me fairly? Absolutely! I am firm, fair, and consistent. I have your best interests in mind If there is ever a situation, you can always come talk to me about it.
I set high expectations for ALL my students. WHY? I believe in you! I know you are ALL smart, I never want to hear differently. You can do whatever you put your mind to! “I CAN’T” is just an acronym for I Completely Admit I’m Not Trying.
What is GEOGRAPHY? ge·og·ra·phy jēˈägrəfē/ noun noun: geography the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources, land use, and industries. the nature and relative arrangement of places and physical features.
Geography Overview As a citizen of the world it is important to know the location of countries, geographic features, and the unique influences that create the many amazing and diverse cultures around the world. In addition, the issues of today are a result of events that have taken place in both the distant and recent past. Throughout this course students will examine today’s current events and in the process discover how geography plays a pivotal role in shaping the many nations around the globe.
Materials Needed: Covered textbook Three-ring binder with lined paper OR a folder and notebook Sharpened pencil Black Pen Colored Pencils Agenda Book Flash Drive (optional)
What are Guidelines and Procedures? Guidelines and Procedures are put in place so you know what to expect in my classroom on a daily basis. They help us focus on what is most important: LEARNING about GEOGRPAHY!
My Expectations: Come to class prepared and ready to learn each day. Bring your textbook, binder, and a pencil. Hand in assignments on time or you’ll be PINK- SLIPPED
My Expectations: Be in your assigned seat working on the Warm Up activity when the bell rings. R-E-S-P-E-C-T the rights and opinions of your fellow classmates and teacher at all times. This classroom is a SAFE ZONE no gossiping or ugly words will be used in this room.
My Expectations: At the end of the period remain seated, the TEACHER dismisses you NOT the bell. Do not wait at the door. ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OR ELECTRONICS IN CLASS- KEEP IN LOCKERS!
My Expectations (continued) Listen and follow directions when they are given. Do not hesitate to ask questions when you do not understand or are unsure about an assignment. Do NOT remove anything from the teacher’s desk or the classroom without permission. PARTICIPATE! I want to hear your ideas and opinions!
When you are TARDY Please enter the room, quietly. If you have a late pass, please place it in my Late Pass basket on my desk. Unexcused: please sign tardy detention sheet. 3 unexcused will result in a lunch detention AND a call home. Sit down and take out your geography materials.
Classroom Procedures Exiting Class The teacher will dismiss the class NOT THE BELL. Do not pack up until instructed to do so by the teacher. Students are responsible for cleaning the area around their desks before leaving the room.
LUNCH PROCEDURE Afternoon Blocks Only (E, F, H) ALL LUNCH 2 Please bring lunch boxes to class if you packed a lunch. We will leave at approximately 10:58 AM for the cafeteria. Students will line up in straight, QUIET line at the door. There will be NO TALKING in the halls to and from lunch. I will pick you up in the cafeteria at 11:33
Bathroom Procedure: If you have to use the restroom, instead of raising your hand please use sign language for the bathroom. (we will practice in class) Do not get up until I give you permission. Please sign out and take the appropriate hall pass: Ladies: RED Gentleman: BLUE
School Policies: Make sure you are familiar with the policies in your AGENDA BOOK. It is your RESPONSIBILITY to follow ALL guidelines, procedures, and policies outlined in the the Warren Hills Regional Middle School handbook.
What to do if you are absent: As much as I missed you, I did not stop the class because you were not here. If you were absent, I will put worksheets in your blocks folder in the “WHILE YOU WERE OUT” shelf (black shelf near the door). Check the folder first, THEN ask if there are any additional information or materials you will need.
Substitute Procedure I will try my hardest to be here everyday however there will be days that I may be absent. Please treat the substitute with RESPECT. All rules and procedures remain the same. ALL classwork completed the day I am gone will be graded, so do your BEST! Any news of misbehavior will result in an automatic lunch or after school detention.
CHOOSING TO NOT FOLLOW GUIDELINES & PROCEDURES 1st Offense- Warning and documentation. Email or call home. 2nd Action plan and lunch detention. Complete the action plan (yellow form) and have parent/guardian sign form 3rd Phone call home 4th Disciplinary Referral (Mr. Smith) Severe Clause: Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (including the property of teachers and other students) or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY
I’m SO EXCITED! This is going to be an AWESOME year! Always Remember: You are all SMART and IMPORTANT!